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Focus Groups

Focus groups is a process of taking interviews involving a group of similar correspondents. These participants can be similar in experiences or demography. These interviews are a part of market research that companies perform before launching a product or service. This kind of group interviews help market researchers understand people’s opinion and reviews about a particular product or service. The discussion can be guided or open, meaning correspondents can be asked open-ended questions to know about how they exactly feel about the offerings. In addition to market researchers, focus groups are also used by sociologists, psychologists, and researchers in communication studies, education, and other allied fields. 


Focus groups are of different types. These include:

  • Two-way focus group: In this type of interview, one group watches the reaction and interview process of the other group and tells their observations based on their observed interactions. 
  • Dual moderator focus group: It includes two moderators where one moderator ensures that the discussion flow remains undisturbed, and the other moderator takes care that every topic gets covered during the discussion. 
  • Dueling moderator focus group: Two moderators take two sides during the discussion. It means one can take the positive and other can point out the drawbacks. 
  • Mini focus groups: In a general focus group, at least 6 to 12 members participate in the discussions. On the other hand, a mini focus group consists of 4-5 participants. 
  • Creativity groups: These groups discuss topics that require critical and creative thinking. 

If interested to learn more about focus groups and how to use them for market research, students can take help from various online and offline resources

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