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Hall Ticket

Hall Ticket

Hall ticket is considered to be one of the most important documents requires to appear for any examination. Students are advised to carry their hall ticket to the examination center. There are various other names by which hall ticket is know. The most common synonym of hall ticket is admit card. Admit card or Hall ticket can also be known as the document which a candidate needs to carry with themselves during the board exams, university exams or any entrance exam. Without the admit card the candidates won’t be allowed to appear for the exam. The admit card contains various other details mentioned in the hall ticket that may be important for the candidates –

-The hall ticket contains the date as well the timing of the examination mentioned on it.
-Exam center details are very important for the candidates, and all of them are mentioned on the hall ticket.
-Registration number or Roll Number of the candidates can also be found on the hall ticket. The teachers do check the hall ticket of the students before every exam.
-The hall ticket also has a photo of the candidates with their signature on it.
-If there are any Instructions for the candidates, they are also mentioned on the hall ticket.


1- How can one get their admit card?

Answer- A candidate can download their admit card from the official website of the respective exam body.

2- Is hall ticket and admit card the same thing?

Answer- Yes, hall ticket and admit card are both synonyms.

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