Hermeneutics is the methodology and theory of interpretation, especially the interpretation of wisdom literature, philosophical texts, and biblical texts. It is more than just interpretative principles or methods used when immediate comprehension fails and includes the art of understanding and communication.
This theory of interpretation includes both verbal as well as non-verbal communication as well as presuppositions, pre-understandings, and semiotics and has been broadly applied in humanities. It is used in law, history, and theology.
It was initially applied to the interpretation of scripture and has been later broadened to include questions of general interpretation. It is a wider discipline that includes verbal, non-verbal and written communication. However, exegesis focuses primarily on the word and grammar of texts, but it is often used interchangeably with hermeneutics.
The interpretation of a text needs to be done by framing its content with respect to the terms of the overall organization of work. The difference between grammatical interpretation and psychological interpretation is that the former studies how a work is composed of different types of ideas, while the latter studies the combinations that characterize the same as a whole.
Every problem of interpretation is considered a problem of understanding and is even defined as the art of avoiding misunderstanding. Misunderstanding is to be avoided by means of knowledge of psychological or grammatical laws.
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