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Hindi Grammer

हिन्दी व्याकरण
Just like we have English Literature and English Grammar, we have Hindi Grammar as well. Hindi Grammar in itself is known as हिन्दी व्याकरण in Hindi. Understanding Hindi grammar helps an individual in understanding the language as well as the subject better. There are various concepts in the Hindi grammar that helps the candidates in writing and speaking in a fluent way. Topics like सर्वनाम, विशेषण, etc. are some of the famous and important in Hindi Grammer. Let us understand these concepts in detail-

सर्वनाम is one of the most searched words on the internet, a lot of people ask about the meaning of सर्वनाम. सर्वनाम is the Hindi word for pronouns. Pronoun is a grammatical concept that helps people in having a better understanding of the English language. A pronoun is a term that replaces a noun or noun phrase in a sentence. Pronouns refer to either a previously specified noun or a noun that does not need to be named expressly.

One of the most searched concept on the internet is विशेषण. It is a concept of the subject Hindi and people are keen to know more about the concept. विशेषण is as Adjective in English. Any noun or pronoun that describes the characteristics of words is known as an Adjective or विशेषण. For example- Big, tall, beautiful, short, pretty, handsome, etc. People will not understand or, to put it another way, will not receive adequate information about nouns or pronouns if adjectives are absent. Students can employ a variety of adjectives in various sentences.

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