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Hindi Notes

Students are often confused about how to make Hindi notes. There is a need to understand how Hindi notes are prepared to score well in it. This may sound pretty basic, but all of the note-taking materials must be organized and ready for use before any class, meeting, or conference begins. If a student writes with paper and pen, make sure they have a notebook with plenty of blank pages and additional writing supplies. If a student wears spectacles, make sure they bring them in case the teacher is writing important information on the black or whiteboard. Students should sit in such a place in the classroom from where the board is visible and students can easily prepare the Hindi notes. Before going to a class, conference, or meeting, be sure to review the notes from last time. This will give the student a complete update and be ready to pick up where the student left. Students should go through the section, article, or chapter in advance. Write the outline on one side of the paper so that a student can add class notes to the other side. When taking notes, many people make the mistake of noting each word without thinking, not understanding what they are writing. Instead, try to understand the topic while students are in class. Focus on what is being said, then ask questions if a student doesn’t understand. Determine the best time to ask a question, then raise your hand to get the instructor’s attention. They will appreciate that you listen carefully and want to understand. Try to learn the information carefully in the class so that a student doesn’t have to work hard during the review process.

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