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How to Convert CGPA to Percentage

How to Convert CGPA to Percentage is what a lot of students search all the time on the internet. It is important for students to know how to convert CGPA into Percentage as not all results come out as one. Sometimes at certain colleges or schools they put out their CGPA as the final results or the total percentage of all their units or exams. In such cases, students need to know how to convert CGPA into Percentage as it’ll help them to put the exact number or grade when asked for in their admissions or applications for further studies or any other place required. To convert CGPA to Percentage all you need to do is multiply your final CGPA by 9.5. To understand exactly how to convert CGPA to Percentage here’s an example – If you have secured a final CGPA of 9.4, you will have to multiply it with 9.5, where the answer will be 89.3%. Henceforth, 89.3 is the percentage you acquired in your test.
Here, CGPA stands for Cumulative Grade Point Average, it is an educational grading system. It is used in schools and colleges to measure overall academic performance of an individual student. The final CGPA is calculated by dividing the sum of the grade points earned by the credit value of the subjects you have acquired. According to the Indian Grading System, colleges and schools use the percentage system. To find the percentage of your total marks, students must divide the marks obtained in the test with the maximum marks and multiply the result by 100. Through this method you will be able to get your final percentage. Whereas when it comes to how to convert CGPA to percentage you can find it as explained above. 

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