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How to study for HTET

The Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test, or HTET, is a mandatory state-level examination conducted by the Board of School Education, Haryana (BSEH), previously known as the Haryana State Board of Technical Education. It is a written aptitude exam for candidates who aspire to make their career in the teaching field in all the government schools of Haryana.

The Haryana Government organizes the HTET exam to check whether the aspiring teacher candidates are capable of handling the difficulties of the Elementary, Secondary, and Senior Secondary schools in Haryana. 

The HTET competitive examination is held offline in three main levels:

  • The PRT or Primary Teacher (Level – 1) for I-V standard, 
  • The TGT or Trained Graduate Teacher (Level – 2) for VI-VIII standard and 
  • The PGT or Post Graduate Teacher (Level – 3) for IX-XII standard. 

Candidates who will qualify for the HTET exam will receive a TET certificate with a seven-year validity period; previously, it was only five years. After receiving the certificate, candidates can apply for the teaching vacancies released by BSEH. 

HTET Exam Preparation 

After successfully submitting your HTET Exam 2021 applications, the most important thing is to prepare for the HTET syllabus to clear the cut-off marks of the examination. Here we have listed some of the most efficient preparation tips which will help you clear the HTET exam.

Understanding the Exam and Syllabus:

Candidates must have a proper exploration and understanding of the HTET syllabus. 

Since competitive exams are different from other exams, with a well-defined syllabus pattern, candidates must get the complete list of topics mentioned under the HTET syllabus as prescribed by the authority. 

The HTET syllabus will guide the candidates to decide which areas of the syllabus they have to prepare thoroughly for and their difficulty levels. 

Candidates must also read the guidelines and procedures carefully before appearing for the HTET examination. They must know what the HTET exam is all about and how it will help them in their career.

Time Management:

For any competitive examination, including the HTET, candidates must master the technique of time management. As per the HTET exam pattern, the HTET exam duration will be 2 hours 30 mins, i.e., 150 minutes, and thus it requires efficient time management to complete the whole paper within the time limit. 

Preparing a timetable for the HTET exam covering all the important topics of the HTET syllabus will help candidates to get accustomed to the HTET time duration. You can allot a specific time slot for each topic with a set deadline and strictly try to adhere to that deadline. 

Keep in mind not to spend too much time on one question and complete the exam before time so that you get enough time left for revision.    

Write Short Notes:

Making short notes of the complex topics of the HTET syllabus is highly useful at the time of examination. Since candidates have to prepare for so many topics and subtopics to qualify for the exam, it is advisable to write short notes for all the crucial topics they can easily refer to before sitting for the examination. 

Through these short notes, applicants can quickly do the required revision on the desired subject. 

Updated Study Material:

It is very important for candidates appearing for the HTET examination to refer only to the latest and updated study materials after going through the HTET syllabus. 

The study material includes all the books, notes, sample papers, previous year’s question papers, short tricks, etc., that candidates use for their exam preparation. It must be updated and should cover all the topics of the HTET syllabus in order to help the candidates successfully clearing the HTET examination. 

It is also recommended that the candidates only buy limited preparation material to avoid any confusion regarding what to study and what not to study.

Taking Regular Practice Mock Tests:

The HTET aspirants must regularly practice mock tests on a regular basis before appearing for the actual HTET examination. 

Candidates should solve the regular practice tests, previous year’s question papers, and sample papers explicitly made for HTET preparation to get familiar with the exam pattern and the type of questions that can be asked in the HTET exam. Practicing mock test papers will also help the candidates boost their speed and cope with the exam duration.

Prioritizing the Weak Topics or Subjects:

It is a common confusion among HTET aspirants to decide which subjects or topics to cover first and which ones to cover later. However, it is highly crucial for the HTET candidates to prioritize studying their weak subjects that would require more time and devote less time to the topics they already have a good command of. 

It will help them manage their time wisely during the HTET exams as they can easily attempt the questions they are confident about and later on focus on the questions they find difficult or complex. 

Taking Care of Health:

Lastly, just like any other examination, it is requested that candidates appearing for HTET exams must take care of their health along with their studies. Taking care of your physical and mental health is of utmost importance to stay strong during the examination. 

Not following a healthy lifestyle will lead to exhaustion and negatively impact the aspirants’ exams and careers. Therefore, candidates must have a healthy diet plan, drink lots of water, and get sufficient sleep during the HTET preparation period. 

Along with this, candidates must also do regular exercise and meditation to boost their concentration power and enrich their learning process. Aspirants must also take frequent breaks during their preparation to relax their minds and body.

Final Words 

It is essential to know that there is no negative marking in the HTET exam, so candidates can attempt all the questions without thinking much. HTET aspirants must effectively use each day of their preparation to crack their main exams with flying colors. Practicing for the exam regularly will let the candidates decide for themselves where they stand in this tough, competitive examination.

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