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What are the Subjects in HTET

HTET or Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test is conducted annually by the Board of School Education, Haryana. The exam takes place on three levels, each of which has a different question paper.

These levels are:

  • Level I – Primary Teachers who will be teaching classes I to V.
  • Level II – Trained Graduate Teachers who will be teaching classes VI to VIII.
  • Level III – Post Graduate Teachers who will be teaching classes IX to XII. 

Depending on their personal preference and educational qualifications, candidates can appear for either one, two, or all three levels. On clearing the cut-off for their respective level of HTET, candidates will be awarded a certificate that is valid for up to 7 years. This certificate will further help the candidates in applying for government sector teaching jobs in Haryana.

HTET subjects, exam syllabus, and exam pattern vary as per the level of the paper. However, what remains the same across all the levels is the exam duration, which is 2 hrs 30 mins.

This blog post will make known to all the prospective candidates all the HTET subjects for each of the three levels.

Level I – PRT Classes I-V

Level I question paper will have questions from the following subjects:

  • Child Development and Pedagogy: Educational psychology for teaching and learning, which is relevant for the age group between 6 to 11 years, interpreting the characteristics and needs of diverse learners, interaction with the learners, and the qualities of good facilitators.
  • Language I Hindi and Language II English: Command over both the languages will be tested along with basic vocabulary and grammar concepts.
  • General Studies: Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, and Haryana GK & Awareness questions. 
  • Mathematics for classes I to V: Includes basic concepts and the pedagogical knowledge of the subject.
  • Environmental Studies: Knowledge of basic concepts as well as pedagogical understanding. 

Each subject will have 30 multiple choice questions carrying 1 mark each. There will be no negative marking in case the candidate answers a particular question incorrectly.

 Level II – TGT Classes VI-VIII

Level II question paper will cover the following HTET subjects:

  • Child Development and Pedagogy: Questions will revolve around the educational psychology for teaching and learning that is relevant for the age group between 11-16 years, interpreting characteristics and the needs of diverse learners, interaction with learners, and the qualities of good facilitators.
  • Language I Hindi and Language II English: Command over both the languages and the basic vocabulary and grammar concepts will be tested in this section.
  • General Studies: Questions testing quantitative aptitude, reasoning ability, and Haryana GK & awareness will be included. 
  • The subject chosen by the candidate before the exam: Syllabus for classes VI to X of the subject. However, this syllabus may go up to senior classes as well.  

All subjects except for the subject chosen by the candidate will have 30 MCQs. The subject chosen by the candidate will have 60 MCQs.

Level III – PGT Classes IX-XII

HTET subjects for the Level III question paper include the following: 

  • Child Development and Pedagogy: Questions on the educational psychology for teaching and learning relevant for the age group between 14-18 years, interpreting characteristics and the needs of diverse learners, interaction with learners, and the qualities of good facilitators.
  • Language I Hindi and Language II English: The candidate’s command over the languages, basic vocabulary and grammar concepts for the relevant classes of IX to XII will be tested in the Languages section.
  • General Studies: Questions testing quantitative aptitude, reasoning ability, and Haryana GK & awareness will be included. However, the questions will be tougher than previous levels and will be according to the age group of 14-17 years.
  • The subject chosen by the candidate: Questions will be on the concepts and syllabus of classes IX-XII. 

The subject chosen by the candidates will have 60 MCQs, and the other subjects will have 30 MCQs each in the Level III question paper. 1 mark will be rewarded for each correct answer, and no marks will be deducted for an incorrect answer. 


Every level’s question paper has different levels of HTET subjects that need to be prepared, keeping the level of the paper and the relevant classes as the basis of the HTET preparation strategy.

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