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Inductive Reasoning

Inductive reasoning is a method of reasoning that is used to draw conclusions. These conclusions are drawn going from the specific to general. It is also known by other names like inductive logic or bottom-up reasoning. However, it must be remembered that this form of reasoning is different from deductive reasoning. In deductive reasoning, inferences are made by going from general premises to specific conclusions. This form of reasoning is used in everyday life. Most statements of inductive reasoning come in a set of three statements. You can see a specific observation, a general pattern, and a conclusion. 

Inductive reasoning starts with inductive research. In this process, students work towards gathering information or observations. Then they try to find a connection between different patterns. Finally, there is the time to make general conclusions that can be incorporated into theories. It is majorly linked to qualitative research. 


A group of students conducted a survey on pet behavior and how their behavior has changed due to the work from home measures of their owners. When students collect information about the types of pets and any behavioral change in their attitude, it is known as observation. While analyzing the data, students noticed a common behavioral change known as pattern. Once you have analyzed the pattern, you come to a conclusion that there is a predictable change in the behavior of all pets. This is known as generalization. 

Different types of inductive reasoning can help students in their research. These include:

  • Inductive generalizations
  • Statistical generalizations
  • Causal reasoning
  • Sign reasoning
  • Analogical reasoning

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