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An infirmary refers to a school’s emergency medical assistance system and provides students with the necessary medical aid they need within the premises of the school if such a need arises. The infirmary is run by the non teaching section of the staff and may include (but not limited to) the following staff members:

  • A pediatrician/General medicine graduate
  • Nurses
  • Other medically inclined positions

The job of the infirmary is to ensure the safety of the students and find them the right kind of medical assistance until they can be taken to the hospital for treatment. The infirmary must have adequate space to facilitate the accommodation of students, medical professionals to run enough medical tests for making sure that they keep an eye on the students health, and actually take care of the child if they fall ill. 

The infirmary is also responsible for providing the students with enough prescription drugs in the case of minor coughs, colds, or injuries. They, however, do not have the resources to take care of students if something major takes place, so they might also have the phone numbers of the local hospital ready in case of such an event.

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