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Instructional Technology

The term Instructional Technology refers to multiple opportunities for cooperative learning. Instructional Technology is mainly the practice of using technology for educational reasons. While Information Technology is a broad-based term familiar to the business community, Instructional Technology is a little more uncertain. 

It applies intellectual techniques, established disciplines, and other values. The primary purpose is to create engaging and effective learning experiences for the needy ones.

Due to advancements and innovations in technologies, it is now much easier to share information than before. The teachers and the students can easily discuss ideas or ask questions whenever they want. 

The main types of Instructional Technology are software tools, software types, integrated learning systems, equipment use, multimedia integration, audio and video conferencing, distance education, and classroom configurations.

Instructional Technology includes everything from online whiteboards to online courses and virtual reality (VR) classrooms. As compared to other old traditional methods, the said type of technology provides excellent help in gathering and providing feedback for any matter. Thus, IT is a great help to the entire education process and other sectors/industries. 

It also offers better potential for meeting the diversified learners’ needs on a day to day basis. It promotes the application procedures in the design and delivery of the instruction.

For example, teachers will have an option to hold back their office hours, be available through messaging or video conferencing, and clear all the students’ doubts, respectively. Computer-based learning, online learning through the World Wide Web. 

Just-in-time teaching used in government or corporates, educational videos, and so on, can also be termed as this type of technology. The teachers will be able to note how far the students have reached in a particular lesson during the class. Thus, instructional technology provides advanced learning styles for learners.

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