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Tips to Clear the Aptitude Questions- KTET| With Sample Aptitude Questions

KTET is the Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test conducted twice a year. It is conducted by Kerala Government Education Board. By this test, selection of the candidates is done for the post of teachers in Upper Primary School, Lower Primary School, and High School and in classes of Kerala State.

This test is the objective test, i.e., it has multiple choice questions with 150 maximum marks, and those who can score above the minimum cut-off are selected. But the twist in this is that if you are not satisfied with your score, you can retake this test and improve your score at any time of your life journey as there is no age limit.

However, the one who is applying for the post of teacher must not be less than 21 years of age at the time of appointment. This was the general brief about the Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test.

We will move forward to the section where we will discuss the tips to clear aptitude questions asked in the Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test. This is considered critical as it is said that it is not tough to clear the aptitude questions of KTET if we do the hard work and smart work simultaneously. Let’s dig in deep.

#. Tips to Clear the Aptitude Questions of KTET

We usually say that one should do hard work and smart work simultaneously, but nobody tells us how to do that or the right strategy or plan to clear an exam or test. If the preparation is done properly and with the right plan, no exam is tough to clear. 

But with certain tips, we can score better in the exam. Below are some of the tips we shall follow while preparing for the aptitude questions of the Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test. 

#. Follow the Exam Pattern

All candidates appearing for KTET must follow certain tips to score well-qualified marks and clear the aptitude questions asked in the Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test. The first tip candidates must follow is that they should follow the exam pattern, i.e., they should go through the previous year’s question papers for better preparation for the examination. By this, they will know the number of questions asked, the time allotted to attempt the test, the marking pattern, and all the other details about the entrance test. If they do not go through the previous year’s question papers, they won’t be able to know the exam pattern, which will further keep them away from understanding the structure of the question paper. 

#. Syllabus of the Exam

Candidates who are preparing for the exam and want to score well by clearing the aptitude questions of KTET must go through the syllabus given by the authority because by this, they will get to know what they have to study. Also, by thoroughly going through the syllabus, they will know how vast the test can go. By following the exam pattern and going through the syllabus, they can divide their time for different syllabus subjects in a proper manner. In addition, one should make notes for study from the syllabus given by the authority.

#. Clear the Concepts

Concept clearance is the most important tip out of all the other tips. If concept clearance is not done properly, there are high chances of making a mistake while marking an exam. Candidates can clear the concepts of the topics mentioned in the syllabus and reduce their chances of marking a wrong answer. 

#. Smart Strategy

Have you ever heard about the word action plan? If yes, then it will be easy for you to understand this tip. But how can it be related to the KTET exam? We have often heard that a man without a plan is null, same as the case with this exam, so having a good action plan is a plus point. Hard work alone is not enough; the candidate must have a smart strategy along with it. They must plan their day in a way so that they know what to study and how much to study in a day, and in how many days they should cover a particular subject. This will increase their chance of qualifying for the examination with good marks. Therefore, they should prepare with a good strategy.

#. Simple Notes

Don’t go by the heading of the tip. These notes can be simple, but they are very powerful as they can boost your preparation. Aspirants must make simple notes, i.e., they should note down the key points in one place while they are studying. This will help them at the time of revision. These notes are very helpful as these simple notes can be revised very fast and will help them retain things.

#. Study Material

So far, we have learned what to study and how much to study with a plan. But there is one thing which is even more important than these, i.e., from where to study. It is very important to follow the right books, right links, right videos, basically the right study material. They should follow the study material recommended by the professional teachers and the qualifying candidates. Following the right study material will help a candidate a lot to clear the aptitude questions of KTET.

#. Mock Tests

Mock tests have their own significance while preparing for the exam. The practice of mock tests helps the candidates test their speed and accuracy of attempting questions in a limited time. It also helps them make their mind work in the peer pressure they have while attempting the exam. A candidate must attempt various online or offline mock tests to boost their preparation for the exam.

Some of the sample questions asked in the previous years’ exam are as follows:

#. The stimulus-response model explains input for behavior as :

  1. Drive  b) Organism  c) Stimuli  d) Response

#. One among the following is also known as a non-reinforcement:

  1. Punishment  b) Negative Reinforcement  c) Extinction  d) All of the above

#. Which of the following is not the problem-solving method?

  1. Means-end analysis  b) Heuristic  c) Brainstorming  d) Mental set

These were some of the tips that will help you score well by correctly answering the aptitude questions asked in KTET.

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