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Learning Glass

Learning Glass is a new technology for teaching students by writing notes on the whiteboard and maintaining eye-contact with the students at the time of presenting in the class. It is a lightboard technology that enables the recorded lectures to be presented. This is a concept of online teaching in which a virtual classroom is the major aspect of teaching. The instructor can write normally left to right, and flip images accordingly during the presenting process so that students can see it as it is.

Using Learning Glass, lecturers are able to display the study material online through their prepared notes. This makes the classroom more constructive and engaging for the students. Lecturers are not required to turn their back towards the board during the classroom activities. It is an advanced version of the teaching and learning style. It gives the feeling to the viewer of being in the same room as the instructor.

SDSU Physics professor Matt Anderson developed the learning glass method to make the learning process more interactive and engaging for the learners. The lesson plan is prepared by the lecturer in advance and then the lessons are presented for the live classes. He has used the learning glass to record the video of the material and teach online. This technology is now used worldwide for online classes.

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