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Learning Matrix

Learning matrix provides a rich graphical portrait of the course content and can be used as a starting point for program evaluation. Teachers self-analyze themselves, learn the courses and teachings of others, develop self-discipline and teamwork. Teachers share the responsibility of understanding the skills in which they are assigned and what their peers are teaching. The student program is well organized and students feel better prepared and supported. The goal of the learning matrix is to educate students and to provide them with a good opportunity to become familiar with practical ideas and skills while studying. For example, field trips, mentoring, and participation in student organizations. Graduates of the specialization should have predefined industry skills and be able to practice these skills multiple times during their studies. Graduates must also develop more general skills. A learning matrix is ​​a tool an organization uses to track the learning and skills needed, as well as the skills teams need to complete a specific project. It is often used to assess the skills required for a particular team or project. An overview of the skills required to complete a project is essential to successfully implementing a skills matrix. This is ​​often part of an online learning platform. The Learning Matrix provides a focused overview of the gap between existing learning providers and new learning opportunities or requirements.

Teachmint offers scalable Integrated School Platform to educational organizations. With the help of this system, institutes can take care of their processes from a single platform. For example, they can use the school management system to streamline the academic and non-academic processes. Likewise, the lms portal offers a customized teaching-learning experience to teachers and students.