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Literate Meaning

Literate that is pronounced as lit-e-rate simply means being able to read and write but it is a wide term and an even wide concept. When we talk about the literate meaning, literate primarily means to be able to have knowledge of basic reading and writing in order to survive under certain legal or basic situations. For example- knowing to write one’s own name or maybe as simple as being able to read a document before actually signing it. The true literate meaning can be given from many points of view, such as literacy as a social construct or literacy as a monetary construct. But let’s, first of all, understand the literate meaning and literacy as an essential as well as a fundamental part of life. Literacy is very important as it helps a person at every stage of their life beginning from childhood, adulthood till forever. Being literate multiplies the possibilities of a person being able to help themselves as well as others, for example- parents helping children in their studies, etc.
If the people of a society are literate then there are fewer chances of them being victims of scams(signature on property papers without acknowledgment, etc). A better literacy rate of a country or state will definitely result in the economic development and progress of that country or state. The biggest benefit of being literate is that individuals can take better care of their health themselves as they can save themselves from getting fooled by fake doctors, etc. Literate meaning is very simple, being able to read and write, being able to live a convenient life without getting fooled. Literacy should be the primary thing that parents plan on giving their children, and online education is accessible to everyone, so money, property, etc could wait but not education.

Hope the literate meaning was clear to you.

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