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Memory is the brain’s ability to acquire, store, retain, and retrieve information whenever needed. It can preserve as well as retrieve stored knowledge based on what a person has learned or experienced.

The human brain is complex and researchers carry out continuous research to understand it. The memory process is composed of sensory processors, short-term and long-term. Its study is related to neurons. There are various methods that researchers suggest to improve retention and concentration.

The memorisation involves three main processes: encoding, storage and retrieval. 

Encoding refers to making a basic understanding of whatever it observes or learns. Trainers use various learning styles for making the right understanding of the subject matter. 

Secondly, the information encoded is stored in two types of memory. The brain first keeps the data acquired in the short-term part. Here, the data is only for a short period. The long-term one stores the information for permanent. 

Various memorization techniques help in storing the learnings in the permanent memory of the brain. Reading, visual aids, repetition, recitation, revision, and many other tools are used to transfer the stored information in permanent memory. 

The third process is to retrieve the right information at the right time. The ability to memorize and retrieve the data differs from brain to brain. Many teachers and experts help people in retrieval practice for better working of the brain.

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