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Private School

A private school is a school that is not run by the federal or national government. It may be run by a private organization, a religious institution, or by a trust. 

Private schools are sometimes also called independent schools, but they depend on the country that they live in. For example, in Britain, private schools are privately owned schools while independent schools are those that are run by a trust, foundation, or trust. 

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Since private schools are generally not dependent upon the national or local government to finance them, they usually have a board of governors who are not selected by the government, as well as a system of governance that makes sure that their independent operation status doesn’t change as per the time. 

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Children who attend private school may be studying there because the students or their parents are dissatisfied with government-funded schools in the area they live in. They may be selected for their academic prowess, prowess in other fields, or sometimes their religious background. 

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