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PGT Number of Attempts and Age Limit

PGT (Post Graduate Teacher) exams are conducted to test the eligibility of candidates aspiring to work as PGT teachers in public and private schools. These exams take place in almost every state in India to recruit Post-Graduate Teachers to teach up to the 12th standard.

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Aspirants who have finished their graduation in any discipline along with a B.Ed. degree from any recognized institution or university can appear for the PGT exam. The candidates must have completed a two-year Post Graduate program from any regional NCERT College of Education in a specific subject with at least 50% marks with a B.Ed. Degree or equivalent. All candidates must be proficient in teaching in Hindi & English.

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The minimum age limit and the number of attempts to appear in the PGT exam are different for each state and their exam. Therefore, we have made a list of some of the top PGT exams and the age limit and no. of attempts to appear in them.

List Of PGT Exams: Age Limit And Number Of Attempts

  1. DSSSB PGT Recruitment Exam

Exam Conducting Body: Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board

Exam Type: Central level

Number of Attempts

As per the official notification, there is no limit to the maximum attempts for appearing in the DSSSB PGT exam. Applicants can apply and appear for the PGT exam as many times as they desire.

Age Limit

The maximum age limit of the candidates belonging to the unreserved category fixed by the DSSSB is 36 years. However, the applicants who fall under any reserved quota will be eligible to receive age relaxations by the exam conducting body as mentioned in the table below:

CategoryAge Relaxations
SC /ST5 years
OBC5 years
PWD10 years
PWD (SC/ST)15 years
PWD (OBC)13 years
Candidates who have worked for the Govt. of NCT of Delhi/its local or autonomous bodies for at least three years.Up to 05 years for Group ‘B’ postsFor Group ‘C’ post (up to the age of 45 years for SC/ST, and 43 years for OBC)
Commendable Sports Persons5 years
Disabled Defence Services workers5 years
Divorced women/Widows/ judicially separated women who did not marry againUp to the age of 35 years for unreserved categoryUp to 40 years for SC/ST and 38 years for OBC
Ex-SportspersonNo. of years of Military service plus 3 years
Candidates who are teaching in any University5 years

2. UP PGT recruitment exam

Exam Conducting Body: UP Education Service Selection Board

Exam Type: State level

Number of Attempts

There is no limit to the maximum attempts for appearing in the UP PGT exam as per the official notification. Applicants can apply and appear for the PGT exam as many times as they desire.

Age Limit

As per the notification released by the Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Service Selection Board (UPSESSB), the lower age limit to appear for the UP PGT exam is 21 years. The exam conducting body has only defined the minimum age limit so far.

3. KVS PGT Recruitment Exam

Exam Conducting Body: Kendra Vidyalaya Sangathan

Exam Type: National level

Number of Attempts

As per the official notification, there is no limit to the maximum attempts for appearing in the KVS PGT exam. Applicants can apply and appear for the PGT exam as many times as they desire.

Age Limit

The maximum age limit for the Post Graduate Teacher is 40 years. However, age relaxation is offered to candidates based on the different criteria mentioned below.

Age Relaxation:

CategoryAge Relaxation
SC/ ST5 years
OBC3 years
All Women (except for the post of Principal & Vice-Principal)10 years
KVS PersonnelNo age bar
Applicants with 3 years of continuous service in Central Govt.General – 5 yearsSC/ST – 10 yearsOBC – 8 years
Applicants customarily residedin Jammu & Kashmir from 01-01-1980 to 31-12-19895 years
Persons with disabilitiesSC/ST – 15 yearsOBC – 13 yearsGeneral – 10 years
Ex-Servicemen from General category (Group-B posts only)3 years
Ex-Servicemen from OBC (Group-B posts only)6 years
Ex-Servicemen from SC/ST (Group-B posts only)8 years

There are many other PGT exams that candidates who want to become PGT teachers can appear for only if they fulfil the eligibility criteria. Therefore, students are advised to know the eligibility criteria of the PGT exam they want to take.

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