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Tips to Clear the Aptitude Questions –

Teaching, being one of the most traditional job fields, is highly reputed and paid. Aspirants in this sector have numerous paths to switch their workplaces. The role of PGT is to teach students in higher secondary classes. 

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Not only private schools but government schools also provide opportunities for applicants to work as PGTs. You must meet the minimum qualification requirements to work as a PGT. This is the highest position in school education instruction for a teacher.

One major part of preparing well for the exam is to examine the whole syllabus before moving to PGT questions. Following is the syllabus of the aptitude section of the PGT exam.

Read the evaluation methodologies and outcomes. Also, read everything about the hybrid learning.

General Intelligence & Reasoning Ability: Analogies, similarities, differences, space

visualization, problem-solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual

memory, discrimination, observation, relationship, concepts, arithmetical

reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number series, etc.

Arithmetical & Numerical Ability: Simplification, Decimals, Data Interpretation, Fractions, L.C.M., H.C.F., Ratio & Proportion, Percentage, Average, Profit & Loss, Discount, Simple & Compound Interest, Mensuration, Time & Work, Time & Distance, Tables & Graphs, etc.

Hindi Language & Comprehension and English Language & Comprehension:

In addition to the testing of candidate’s understanding and comprehension of

the English and Hindi Languages, questions on its Vocabulary, Grammar,

Sentence Structure, Synonyms, Antonyms and their correct usage, etc., would

also, be covered.

Tips to Clear the Aptitude PGT Questions

  • The Approach is Crucial: Being anxious during and before an assessment is quite acceptable, but we must know how to manage these emotions so that they do not seriously influence our performance. Determination in the preparation process and a high level of nerves during the examination. As a result, there will be no second thoughts or hesitation, only discipline and courage. This is the proper mindset to have in order to pass the exam as quickly as feasible.
  • Do Not Be a Procrastinator: Never put off until tomorrow what you could do today. As a result, do not procrastinate and do not make excuses to avoid studying. Organize your days and create a schedule.
  • Managing Your Time During the Exam: The aptitude section must be completed within a certain amount of time, and it is important to stick to the schedule. Then you must try to answer all of the PGT questions. Take your time answering the questions, and do not be rash and think. Before beginning the test, it is critical to calculate the average amount of time allocated for each question, which should be kept in mind at all times. This timing is just the total time allotted divided by the number of exercises in the test; the calculation aids the candidate in avoiding spending too much time on each question. Depending on the test, the average time available per question in aptitude tests ranges from 1 to 2 minutes.
  • Keep an eye out for trap questions: There will most likely be a neutral response in the aptitude PGT questions, meaning it is neither right nor wrong. If the scenario is complex, it may be acceptable to choose it; but, too many neutral responses may invalidate your exam or make you appear too cautious. The trap questions, whose primary objective is to expose individuals who lacked honesty, at least in that test. Some questions are the same as others, but they are phrased in a different way. If someone answers in a different way, it shows he isn’t being serious. It would just be an indicator of mental confusion and indecision in less severe cases, but the condition would not improve in any case.
  • Practise Till You Make it: Although you can’t predict what will be in the final text, there are many online examinations that can give you a solid idea of what to expect. The more you practise, the better prepared you will be, and the less likely you will be caught off guard. Furthermore, the practice allows you to identify and focus on your shortcomings or areas where you have significant gaps. You’ll hone your skills in those areas so that you have a better chance of succeeding. When it comes to aptitude exams, the internet is a huge resource.

Sample Aptitude PGT Questions:

Q. Rohan, Ramesh, Geeta, Ankit, and Govind are sitting at a square table. Geeta is sitting next to Rohan, Ankit is sitting next to Ramesh is not sitting with Govind, who is on the left end of the table. Ankit is second from the right. Geeta is right of Rohan and Govind. Geeta and Ankit are sitting together.  

Q. Who is sitting extreme right?

a) Govind

b) Ramesh

c) Ankit

d) Geeta

Answer (d) 

Q. In which position is Geeta sitting?

a) Between Rohan and Ramesh

b) Between Rohan and Ankit

c) Between Govind and Ramesh

d) Between Ankit and Govind

Answer (a)

Q. If you want to reform education, you will begin at—

(A) Primary Level

(B) Secondary Level

(C) Graduate Level

(D) All of these

Answer (C)

Q. Following is a mean of ‘Distance Education’—

(A) Television

(B) Radio

(C) Newspaper

(D) Magazines

Answer (A)

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