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Random Sampling

There are various methods of drawing a probability, and one of those methods includes random sampling. It is a part of the sampling technique where each sample has an equal possibility of being selected. When the sample is chosen randomly, it suggests that it represents an unbiased sample out of the total population.

Random sampling is considered the simplest method of data collection. Under this method, each member of the subset has an equal opportunity of being selected when conducting a survey. For example, the total number of students in a school is 3000, and to conduct a study on student behavior in the online world, data researchers need a sample size of 300. In this case, the total number of students in the school is the total population, and the number of selected students is called the sample size. Each student has an equal chance of being a part of the sample because every student was asked to participate. However, there is a possibility that the group may not represent the entire population, and this kind of error is called a sampling error. An unbiased random sample is vital for drawing conclusions. 

To conduct random sampling, data researchers can use tools like random number generators or other techniques that are based on chance. Other types of sampling procedures include systematic sampling, cluster sampling, and stratified sampling. All these have equal significance in carrying out data analysis and studies. The sampling method is crucial to determine the behaviors of individuals.

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