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Reflective Essay

A reflective essay is a piece of writing in which the essay writer describes or analyses an experience or incident. The term “reflective” refers to looking back on events in the past and analysing them from a current perspective. The author examines a historical event from the perspective of today.

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The writer of a reflective essay must direct the reader’s thinking. This article is about the author’s personal views on a variety of topics.

In order to produce a reflective essay, the essay writer must explore his or her own experience and demonstrate how it helped him grow as a person. What you’ve learnt is based on your own personal experience.

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The essay writers stick to a well-organized and logical plan. It’s up to the writer to strike a balance between description and personal feelings.

Your ideas, thoughts, and feelings should be well-organized when writing a reflective essay. An excellent reflective essay is one in which you can explain all of the events in chronological order for the reader to grasp.

Reflective essays always begin with an introduction in which the speaker explains the broad subject of the reflection, either explicitly or indirectly. Many well-known essayists may be evasive regarding their principal theme or the aspect of their lives on which they will concentrate. An academic writer, on the other hand, should be more specific about whatever part of his or her experiences he or she would discuss.

The reflective essay’s body explains how the writer has grown or what he or she has learnt. It also discusses what influenced the writer’s decision to alter.

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