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7 Things To Learn From REET Toppers


A large number of candidates appear for the REET exam every year, but the vacancies are limited. This increases the competition, and thus, scoring good marks to successfully pass the exam might seem like a daunting goal to many candidates. 

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Are you nervous and confused too? Worry not! Here, we have compiled a list of 7 strategies recommended by REET toppers to help you succeed.

  1. Check Overview of Exam Pattern

Candidates must know the structure and pattern of the REET exam. This is the most crucial aspect of the preparation followed by all REET toppers religiously.

Here’s a summary of exam patterns to help you. There are two papers of the REET exam, i.e., level 1 and level 2. The question structure of both of these levels is the same, and they consist of multiple-choice questions. 

The timing for the exam is 2 hours and 30 minutes. The total questions are 150, and each question carries 1 mark that makes the total marks 150. There will be no provision of negative marking for the wrong answers in the exam.

Read the evaluation methodologies and outcomes. Also, read everything about the hybrid learning.

You can check all the previous years’ REET exam question papers and solve them. These papers will help you find the patterns of the questions easily. You can also check the detailed structure of the exam on the official website of the Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan (BSER).

  1. Prepare Study Material in Advance

Gather study material and prepare notes of the whole syllabus subject-wise. NCERT and CBSE books are extremely beneficial to understand the fundamentals easily. After completing the basics, you can move to the details of the topics and can select the other important books suggested by teachers and REET toppers for the exam. 

The syllabus of the level 1 and level 2 REET exams is different.

Level 1 of the exam consists of  5 subjects, namely Child Development & Pedagogy, Mathematics, Environmental Studies and 2 Language Subjects. 

Level 2 has 4 subjects: Child Development & Pedagogy, Mathematics & Science/Social Science, and 2 Language Subjects. 

You can check the detailed syllabus of the REET exam on the BSER website.

  1. Write Self-study Notes

Self-study notes are the best study material for every exam. Hence candidates should prepare notes on their own and highlight the crucial points. This might help them in memorizing the topics easily. It also helps in learning and revising the topics easily in the future.

  1. Cover Entire Syllabus

There is no concept of more important and less important topics in the REET exam. So all the teachers and the REET toppers always suggest not to neglect any topic of the syllabus. Candidates must cover the whole syllabus and every little topic of all the subjects with equal importance.

  1. Manage Time Efficiently

Time is crucial in exams. Specifically, the REET exam has more questions but less time. Technically speaking, candidates get one minute for each question that might not be sufficient for solving a critical question. All the REET toppers managed to score high because they managed their time smartly during the exam. 

Candidates are suggested to solve previous years’ papers and other mock test papers. This assists you in measuring the timing and question-solving speed. Time management helps candidates avoid knowing the answers but missing out on the question due to lack of time.

Below-mentioned are some ways that can help you in managing time:

  • Distribute your time for each section of the exam.
  • Set a timer for each question to avoid over-spending the time on a particular question.
  • Avoid wasting time on questions that you’re unable to solve. Instead, try solving other easy questions.
  • Always solve easy questions first and, in the remaining time, focus on the critical questions.
  1. Revise Topics Before Exam

The REET syllabus is huge. Hence, candidates must revise the topics periodically and at least once before the exam. Regular revision refreshes your brain, and topics get memorized.

Self-study notes help in revising efficiently and effectively. Candidates should focus on the highlights and marked topics. Practicing and solving mock test papers and previous papers also helps in memorizing the topics. 

Practicing mock test papers will also help boost your speed of solving mathematics problems in less time in the REET exam. This will also alleviate your confidence, logical thinking abilities and problem-solving capabilities, and improve your overall performance.

  1. Other Short Tricks

Oher quick and short tricks suggested by REET toppers are: 

  • Attempt all questions without fear of losing marks as there is no negative marking.
  • While studying for the REET exam, prepare short notes for revising the topics at the last minute. This will save you time for digging books and detailed notes.
  • Prepare a balanced study schedule. Always mix and match the REET subjects to avoid monotony.
  • Analyze your weaker parts and focus on them.
  • Highlight and mark crucial topics that will help you in quick revision.
  • Solve as many mock tests and previous years’ question papers as you can. This will help you work on your accuracy, speed and time management skills. It will also help you score high in subjects like Child Development and Pedagogy that test your teaching aptitude. 
  • Write all formulas on a handy sheet to revise easily as and when required.
  • Solve unseen passages and comprehension for covering the language section of the REET exam.

Keep all the above-mentioned points in mind and prepare for the exam without any stress. Periodical revision and practice are key to crack this exam. Regular practice and revision boost confidence and promote a positive attitude. 

Analyze your strengths and weaknesses. Maintain your confidence and work upon your weaker parts. Try to remain calm, composed and positive. Cover all the topics carefully and wholeheartedly.

Hopefully, these tips will help you to pass the REET exam with flying colors.

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