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Best Books for REET

Books are a scholar’s best friend. Find the best books for the REET exam preparation and take a step further to becoming the best teacher.

Books are a scholar’s best friend. They help you learn new concepts and prepare for the best results. To become a Level-1 or Level-2 teacher in Rajasthan, the candidates must appear for REET (the Rajasthan Eligibility Examination for Teacher). Some specific REET books can help you prepare well for the REET exams.

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As we come to the final few weeks before REET exam 2021, you must find the best sources of knowledge to ace the exam. The REET exam has two levels: Level-1 exam is for standard 1 to 5, and Level-2 is for standard 6 to 8. Candidates with qualifying marks are eligible for these two teaching positions in the Rajasthan Education System. 

REET Exam Pattern

To identify the best REET books for preparation, we must first understand the REET exam pattern. The examination is a filtration process that helps the Rajasthan Education board recruit capable teachers. Both level-1 and level-2 papers have multiple choice questions, where the candidate has to select the correct answer. 

The cut-off for every year is based on the number of open positions. This year, the REET exam aims to fill 32,000 open positions. Let’s take a look at the exam pattern:

REET Level-1 Exam Pattern 

  1. Child Development & Pedagogy
  2. Language I (English, Urdu, Hindi, Sindhi, Sanskrit, Punjabi, * Gujarati)
  3. Language II (Sindhi, Urdu, English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Punjabi & Gujarati)
  4. Mathematics
  5. Environmental Sciences

REET Level-2 Exam Pattern

  1. Child Development & Pedagogy
  2. Language I (Hindi, Sindhi, English, Sanskrit, Urdu, Punjabi & Gujarati)
  3. Language II (Sindhi, Urdu, English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Punjabi, & Gujarati)
  4. Specialization Subject
    1. Mathematics & Science 
    2. Social Science

Best REET Books for Preparation

Read the evaluation methodologies and outcomes. Also, read everything about the hybrid learning.

Books pave the path for best results. Let’s take a look at some of the best REET books. We have bifurcated the books into level-1 and level-2 since these are two different exams. 

REET Books for Level-1 Exam

The REET Level-1 exam is for candidates that wish to contribute to the future of class 1 to 5 students. Here is a list of books to prepare for your REET Level-1 Exam. 

  • REET Hindi Language Level-I, Level-II, and Level-III by Ray Publication
  • REET Bal Vikas Evam Shiksha Shastra Level-I (Class 1 to 5) by Ray Publication
  • REET Environment Level-I by Sunita Publications
  • REET Environment Studies, Math Level-I with solved papers, practice question sets by Ray Publication
  • Lakshya REET Bhasa Hindi, Sanskrit & English by Manu Prakashan
  • Lakshya REET Prayavaran Adhyan Ganit & Balvikas ( combo) Level-I Paperback by Manu Prakahsan
  • 15 Practice Sets REET Class I-V Paper by Arihant Publication
  • REET Level-I by Sunita Publications
  • Lakshya REET Bhasa Hindi, Sanskrit & English Level-I by Manu Prakahsan
  • REET Question Bank by Ahmar Kareem Publication

REET books for Level-II Exam

The Level-II exam is the entry point for teachers that wish to play a role in the formative years of a student’s life from class 6 to 8. Here is a list of the best books for Level-II aspirants. 

  • Lakshya REET Samajik Adhyan Bhasha Hindi & Sanskrit & English Level-II by Manu Prakashan
  • REET Maths Level-II by Shiva Store
  • REET Hindi Language Level-I, Level-II, and Level-III by Ray Publication
  • Lakshya REET Samajik Adhyayan Bal vikas VA Shiksha Shastra by Manu Prakashan
  • REET Samajik Adhyayan Level-II by Ray Publication
  • Lakshya REET Samajik Adhyan Bhasha Hindi Sanskrit & English and Lakshya REET Samajik Adhyayan Balvikas VA Shikshashastra (combo) Paperback by Lakshya
  • REET/RTET Level I and Level II Shiksha Manovigyan by RBD Publications
  • Lakshya REET Level-II Language Sanskrit English Hindi by Manu Prakashan
  • REET Ganit Vigyan Paper 2 Hindi EDN by Sahitya Bhawan
  • Lakshya REET Level-II Science Maths Bal Vikas & Shiksha Shashtra by Manu Prakashan

These are the best books for REET exam applicants. Each publisher included above is an established name in the education industry. They employ active education professionals to collect the best information and prepare updated books. 

Apart from these REET books, a sound study plan is crucial for successful REET exam results. Candidates must prepare diligently and revise every day. Do not overwhelm yourself with a long topic list. Separate the topics that need special attention and start from there. 

As you start covering the more challenging topics, also revise the part of the syllabus that you have already covered. Regular revision is an ideal way to succeed in REET exams.

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