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REET Important Notifications

Rajasthan Education Board will conduct the REET 2021 examination on September 26, 2021. Therefore, the Rajasthan Education Board has reopened the REET offline rectification application form for those who applied for REET 2021 previously. Candidates can change their applications in various sections by filling out an offline application form. 

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The price for the REET 2021 offline correction application form would be Rs. 300/- payable by Bank Draft/Postal Order. 

Govind Singh Dotasra, the Education Minister, had mentioned the New REET Exam Date on his Twitter account. Originally, REET was scheduled for June 20, but it was postponed due to the COVID 19 situation.

Read the evaluation methodologies and outcomes. Also, read everything about the hybrid learning.

REET Notification regarding Registration for the REET Widow Category

The Rajasthan Education Board has reopened the application process for the Widow category. Women candidates who filled out the REET 2021 application form and became widowed due to COVID can change their registration form on the official website. In the REET 2021 widow category, there will be no additional price for correction. 

News & Updates for REET 2021

  • A total of 13.80 lakh students registered with the Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education (RBSE)
  • The Hon. Supreme Court has issued a new cut-off for REET which one can check on the official site.

Changes in REET Exam

The good news is that the weightage of the marks has also decreased. The board will consider 90% of REET marks this time and the other 10% coming will be from their academic education, such as a bachelor’s or master’s degree. Previously, there was a 70 to 30 ratio. 

Job Openings After REET Exam

The Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education (RBSE) declared 32,000 job openings for government school teachers at the state level in 2021. Candidates who wish to apply for these positions must pass the offline REET qualifying test, which is held twice a twice. 

Exam Paper Details

There are two levels in the exam i.e., level-1 and level-2 exams. A person who wishes to teach at both levels (classes I through V and classes VI through VIII) must take both exams (Paper I and Paper II). However, before taking the exam, you must thoroughly understand the REET Syllabus. This will assist you in planning for the exam.

  • No of Questions: 150 questions 
  • Total Marks: 150 marks 
  • Time allotted: 2 hours 30 minutes
  • Negative Marking: No 
  • Exam Type: MCQ 
  • Paper 1 – Primary School (classes I through V)
  • Paper 2 — Secondary School (classes VI through VIII)

REET Notification regarding Admit Card

For the REET Paper 1 & 2 exams in 2021, the Rajasthan Education Board assigns an exam center, the name of which is printed on the admit card. 

Candidates must bring an original picture ID evidence with its copy, two passport-size photos, as well as a REET admit card to the exam center.

Candidates can access their REET admission card by logging into their account on the official website with their application number and date of birth. On a single day, the REET Examination will be held in two shifts. 

How to download REET Admit Card For 2021?

REET admit cards become available for download 15 days before the exam. To obtain the REET admit card, follow the processes mentioned below:

  • Visit the REET official website –
  • Find the ‘REET 2021 (Admission Card)’ link to download the REET admit card.
  • Candidates are directed to a new tab after clicking on the REET Admit Card link.
  • Enter your login credentials and log in to your account
  • The screen will then display your REET admission card. Check the details available on the REET admit card.
  • REET Admit Card 2021 can be printed by pressing the print button.

The REET 2021 Exam’s Certification Validity

The REET 2020 exam certificate will be valid for three years.

Wrapping Up!

The lists of important REET notifications are stated above. One must prepare well for the REET exam as it is one of the most important exams to teach in Rajasthan’s education institutions. To know more, have a look at their official website

We wish the aspirants the best of luck!

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