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REET Online Coaching -How to Choose?

The REET (Rajasthan Eligibility Examination for Teachers) or the RTET (Rajasthan Teacher Eligibility Test) is a state-level competitive examination conducted every year by the Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan (BSER). It is a mandatory professional entrance test for all aspiring candidates who want to become government teachers.

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The exam is held in two main levels. The Primary (Level I) teachers’ exam recruits qualified teachers for classes I to V. The Secondary (Level II) teachers’ exam is held to recruit eligible teachers for classes VI to VIII.

How to Download the REET Certificate

Unlike the CTET certificate’s validity of seven years, the validity of the REET certificate is only three years. With this certificate, all teaching aspirants will be able to apply for recruitment in various schools in Rajasthan.

Read the evaluation methodologies and outcomes. Also, read everything about the hybrid learning.

Downloading the REET eligibility certificate is as easy as the CTET certificate downloads. On the official result date, the candidate can check their REET results online by visiting the official website of the Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan. The BSER hosts a login portal where the candidates can enter their date of birth and roll number to check their REET results.

The qualifying mark for general candidates is 60%. For Scheduled Caste (SC) and Scheduled Tribe (ST) candidates, the qualifying percentage is 36%.

How to Choose the Right REET Coaching Institute Online? 

In the recent year-and-a-half of the pandemic, online coaching facilities have been helping students worldwide prepare for all kinds of competitive examinations. There are several REET coaching programs available online to guide REET aspirants in preparing for the examination. 

However, only a few of these institutes have been able to ensure the proper standard of REET online coaching. For this reason, ill-considered enrolment in any REET coaching class can be risky, as many institutes spend their resources on advertising without taking into account students’ needs.

Below are some of the essential considerations that you must keep in mind while enrolling in a REET online coaching institute.


One of the essential things to consider while choosing the right institute for REET online coaching is the faculty. A coaching institute is nothing without experienced and result-oriented teachers. 

A decent REET coaching institute usually mandates an acceptable overall quality of teaching for the subjects and topics under Level 1 and Level 2 of the REET examination. Therefore, before enrolling in REET coaching, one should inquire about the faculty. 

The smartest approach to this is contacting a former student and learning about their review of the coaching institute’s faculty.

Past Records and Results

Records or results are a key indicator to demonstrate whether or not a REET coaching institute is good enough for you to enroll in. The previous results and top rankers with their respective classroom programs are the chief factors to understand the institute’s coaching efficacy. 

Make sure not to depend on an institute’s paid marketing and advertising strategies. Instead, try to seek unprejudiced results or records to make a smart decision while enrolling in a REET coaching class.

Value For Money

One must consider the parameter of fee structure before enrolling in a REET coaching institute. It is crucial to assess if the fee charged by the coaching institute is affordable for you. You should also check if the number of demo classes they offer provides value for money. 

Taking your parent’s advice regarding the fee structure of an institute is highly recommended. 

Batch Strength 

The batch strength and seating structure must also be taken into account while considering a REET coaching institute. If there is one institute with a batch strength of 60 students and another branded institute with a batch strength of more than 150, one must make a wise decision on whether to go by the brand name or the batch strength.

Study Materials 

It is necessary for any kind of coaching institute to provide quality study materials. Sheets and DPPs (daily practice problems) are the essential sources of preparation for students appearing for competitive exams. 

The other study materials that a REET online coaching program must consider are e-notes, class PDFs, smart e-books, live quizzes, video solutions, video lectures, etc. One must get adequate information about the study materials made available by a coaching institute before enrolling in it.

Competent Test Series 

Coaching institutes must keep testing the preparation of students appearing for a competitive examination such as the REET. 

For this, a properly updated test series or model test papers with comprehensive evaluated answers is highly essential. Thus, inquiring about the test frequency of a coaching institute is essential to choose the right REET coaching institute.


Choosing a REET coaching institute is definitely not an easy task. So, look for all the essential factors mentioned above while choosing the right REET coaching institute for your preparation. 

Once you are able to find good coaching, it will be very useful in helping you understand the concepts related to REET examinations and prepare for them well. 

Always remember that a correct path will lead you to a correct career choice! Good Luck!

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