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REET Recent Updates

What is REET?

The Rajasthan Eligibility Examination for Teachers (REET), conducted by the Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan, is one of the most ambitious exams for aspirants who target primary and upper primary teaching for their profession. Aspirants appear in this annual state-level examination to get recruited at Level 1 (primary teachers) and Level 2 (upper primary teachers) throughout government schools in Rajasthan. According to reports, the forthcoming REET exam will recruit candidates for 32,000 job posts (as per the current vacancy in staff).

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If you’re preparing for the REET exam 2021, be sure to bookmark this blog post as it covers all REET recent updates and up-to-the-minute information that officially gets notified by the Board of Secondary Education Rajasthan.

Read the evaluation methodologies and outcomes. Also, read everything about the Teachers’ Eligibility Test.

REET Recent Updates From The Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan (BSER)

The Rajasthan Eligibility Examination for Teachers or commonly known as REET, was originally going to be held on 25th April 2021. However, it was soon postponed by The Rajasthan Education Ministry due to the concerns of soaring cases in Rajasthan during the COVID-19 pandemic. This thoughtful decision was taken to ensure the health of all REET candidates who are going to be selected as primary and upper primary teachers in government schools, as well as official staff members who would be involved in conducting the examination in 4200 centers in the state.

As officially notified by Govind Singh Dotasra on 16th June via his Twitter handle, the Rajasthan Education Ministry has decided to postpone the REET exam and conduct the examination on 26th September. The application dates for EWS (Economically Weaker Section) candidates had been revised and would be received from 25th June to 5th July.

REET Exam 2021 Examination Highlights

Name of the examinationRajasthan Teacher Eligibility Test (RTET) or Rajasthan Eligibility Examination for Teachers (REET)
Examination conducting bodyBoard of Secondary Education, Rajasthan (BSER)
Examination LevelState-Level
Examination FrequencyOnce every year
Examination Duration2 hours and 30 Minutes (150 Minutes)
Examination LanguageEnglish and Hindi
Current vacancy32,00
Examination purposeRecruitment of primary and upper primary Grade III school teachers in government schools in Rajasthan

REET Exam 2021 Important Dates

The official REET exam notification05 January 2021The notification of REET 2021 was announced on the official website
Release of REET application form21 June 2021Applications from candidates were accepted between 21 June – 05 July
REET 2021 application last date of submission05 July 2021The last date of applying for REET
REET 2021 application correction for female widow candidates07 July 2021 – 14 July 2021Application correction window for female widow candidates began
REET 2021 admit card download from the official website of BSER17 September 2021REET admit card has been released on the official website of BSER
REET 2021 Date26 September 2021REET exams for both Paper – I and Paper – II will be held on the same date
REET 2021 ResultsTo be updated soon on the official website of BSERREET 2021 results will be declared soon after the assessment is done

REET Recent Updates: Admit Card

As per previous records, REET admit cards have been issued precisely 210 days before the examination. Following this trend, the Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan (BSER), has activated the site for downloading the admit cards for the REET exam. Candidates can download their REET exam admit card from the official website of BSER.

How to Download Your REET Admit Card?

Step 1: To download your REET admit card, visit the official site of the Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan. Do not click on or trust any third-party website that might offer REET 2021 admit cards and share your details.

Step 2: For conducting the REET exam and sharing REET recent updates, the BSER has activated its dedicated REET 2021 portal, which you can visit from the link on the official website of BSER. Never click any link apart from the official one given on the BSER website.

Step 3: From the REET 2021 official website, click on Print Admit Card for REET-2021, and from the following page, enter your examination details, including your form number, name, name of your mother, and your date of birth.

Step 4: Finally, solve the CAPTCHA, and you will be allowed to download your REET 2021 admit card or print it directly. On the day of your exam, i.e., 26th September, be sure to take your admit card to the allotted examination center.


We hope this detailed blog on REET recent updates will help aspirants understand the key requirements needed to appear in REET 2021 as officially notified by the Rajasthan Education Ministry. All the best!

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