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Analysis of the Reet Syllabus for Language II

Rajasthan Eligibility Examination for Teachers, commonly known as the REET, is an annual state-level examination conducted by the Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan (BSER). Aspirants appear in REET for the recruitment of Level I (primary teachers) and Level II (upper primary teachers). REET 2021 will be held for 32,000 job posts (as per the current vacancies) in primary and upper primary schools. If you are preparing for REET 2021, you may find this post beneficial as it covers the detailed REET syllabus of Language II for 2021.

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Subjects and exam pattern of REET

Cracking REET isn’t that hard if you follow the detailed exam pattern released by the BSER on its official portal. Prepare for each subject according to the weightage and allotted marks for its topics. Here’s a brief look into REET subjects and how many marks each carries:

Read the evaluation methodologies and outcomes. Also, read everything about the Teachers’ Eligibility Test.

Child Development and Pedagogy3030Child Development and Pedagogy3030
Language I3030Language I3030
Language II3030Language II3030
Mathematics3030Mathematics, Science and Social Science6060
Environmental Studies3030
TOTAL MARKS150150150150

Language options available for candidates

What’s unique about the REET exam is that it allows candidates to choose from 7 different languages, that too, by keeping its syllabus the same across all. The available languages are:

  1. English
  2. Hindi
  3. Sanskrit
  4. Urdu
  5. Panjabi
  6. Sindhi
  7. Gujarati

Let’s now look at the REET Language – II syllabus for both Level 1 and Level 2 examinations.

A deep dive into the REET syllabus for Language II

Here, we have provided the English syllabus of REET Language II for both Level 1 and Level 2, as officially released by the BSER. However, we couldn’t include the syllabus for the remaining languages in this blog post, i.e., REET Language II syllabus for Hindi, Sanskrit, Urdu, Punjabi, Sikh, Sindhi, and Gujarati, because of language and script limitations. Regardless, you can download the complete Language II syllabus in PDF for all seven languages from the official website of the Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan. The link to the syllabus is given below:

Download REET Language II Syllabus for Level 1 and Level 2

REET syllabus II for English

  • Unseen Prose Passage: Linking Devices, Subject-Verb Concord, Inferences.
  • Unseen Poem: Identification of Alliteration, Simile, Metaphor Personification, Assonance, Rhyme.
  • Modal Auxiliaries, Phrasal Verbs and Idioms, Literary Terms: Elegy, Sonnet, Short Story, Drama.
  • Basic knowledge of English Sounds and their Phonetic Transcription.
  • Principles of Teaching English, Communicative Approach to English.
  • Language Teaching, Challenges of Teaching English: Language Difficulties, Errors and Disorders.
  • Methods of Evaluation, Remedial Teaching.

Download REET Language II Syllabus for Level 1 and Level 2


We hope this detailed post on the REET syllabus will help aspirants appear in REET 2021 with full confidence and awareness of the subject and their respective topics as released by the Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan. The REET is indeed quite challenging, but all you need is a practical understanding of the syllabus. Be sure to check out other notable posts on REET 2021 if you found this blog post informative. We have discussed REET Study Materials and REET Recent Updates. Be prepared, and Teach Mint wishes you the best for your REET exam.

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