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SLET Syllabus: Language II

State Eligibility Test, also known as SLET, is conducted for the determination of the appointment of lecturers in Assam. One of the vital factors for the exam every aspirant needs to focus on is the syllabus of SLET. Language is an important part of the syllabus that every candidate needs to grasp upon.  This article aims to get you the accurate syllabus for your SLET language part.

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SLET English Test

SLET English Test is a state position test conducted by different countries’ governments in India. States decided to show their test, i.e., State Level Eligibility Test (SLET), for the reclamation in English Lectureship/Assistant Professor and other subjects. SLET English Syllabus varies as per the guidelines from the Board.  Read the evaluation methodologies and outcomes. Also, read everything about the Teachers’ Eligibility Test.

Campaigners who qualify in English are eligible to apply for the post of Lectureship/Assistant Professor within the governance of the Member-States of this SLET Commission. They will be given a pass- instrument and the validity period of their exam certificate.

The SLET exam is conducted just once a year, unlike the CBSE NET and CSIR NET that are conducted twice a year. Thus, every aspirant needs to check on the dates thoroughly as there is just one shot to the exam. Also, you should have a command in your syllabus as it is held just once. 

SLET Syllabus And English Test Pattern

Majorly, there are three papers, namely Paper-I on Tutoring and Exploration aptitude, Paper-II and Paper-III grounded on the syllabus of concerned English subjects. Details for the SLET syllabus are here in this article. 

The SLET English Test is conducted in an objective manner from 2015 onwards. It consists of three papers. To estimate the General Aptitude of the campaigners, there will be one ordinary paper ( Paper-I) for all, and it’ll contain 60 questions of 2 marks each. The campaigners will have to answer 50 questions only.

The Second and Third papers will be on the English subject of the syllabus. The paper will have 50 mandatory questions of 2 marks each. For the Third paper, there will be 75 required questions of 2 marks each. In the SLET English Test, there will be NO Negative Marking for the wrong answer in any of the papers.

SLET English Online Mock/Practice Test

You can easily find an online mock practice test for SLET English for both papers, i.e., Paper-II and Paper III English subject MCQ question answers test. Campaigners can participate in this test for free.

SLET English Books and Study Accoutrements

There are numerous books for the State Level Eligibility Test English test, also known as SET (State Eligibility Test) English test medication. Still, you must say you should have rearmost two types of books or study accouterments, one for SET English Last 10 or 20 times question with the result. Another book is for SLET syllabus-wise subjects description and result study accouterments.

The Language-I SLET Syllabus

The Language-I section tests campaigners’ knowledge related to the medium of instructions. The main topics from which questions are asked are important to check from the syllabus. 

Language Comprehension: (15 MCQs)

  • Reading unseen passages – two passages, one prose or drama and one lyric
  • Questions will be from appreciation, conclusion, alphabet, and verbal capability
  • (Prose passage may be erudite, scientific, narrative, or discursive)


Pedagogy of Language Development: (15 MCQs)

  • Literacy and accession
  • Principles of language Tutoring
  • Part of harkening and speaking; function of language and how children use it as a tool
  • A critical perspective on the part of the alphabet in learning a language for communicating ideas verbally and in written form
  • Challenges of tutoring language in a different classroom; language difficulties, crimes, and diseases
  • Language Chops
  • Assessing language appreciation and proficiency in speaking, harkening, reading, and writing.
  • Tutoring- literacy accouterments Textbook,multi-media accouterments, multilingual resource of the classroom
  • Remedial Tutoring

Language-II Section

The SLET syllabus for Language II is as follows:

Language Comprehension: (15 MCQs)

  • Two unseen prose passages (discursive or erudite or narrative or scientific)
  • Questions on appreciation, alphabet, and verbal capability

Pedagogy of Language Development: (15 MCQs)

  • Literacy and accession
  • Principles of language Tutoring
  • Part of harkening and speaking; function of language and how children use it as a tool
  • A critical perspective on the part of the alphabet in learning a language for communicating ideas verbally and in written form
  • Challenges of tutoring language in a different classroom; language difficulties, crimes, and diseases
  • Language Chops
  • Assessing language appreciation and proficiency in speaking, harkening, reading, and writing
  • Tutoring – literacy accouterments Textbook,multi-media accouterments, multilingual resource of the classroom
  • Remedial Tutoring


The Language-I section tests campaigners’ knowledge related to the medium of instructions. The SLET syllabus from which questions are asked is an important factor, and among this, the knowledge section is vital for every aspirant. 

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