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What is SLET?

What is the SLET Exam?

Conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) on behalf of the University Grants Commission (UGC), the State Level Eligibility Test(Full Form) or SLET Full form is an exam to determine the eligibility of applicants for colleges and universities lectureships. The SLET exam ensures that applicants meet the minimum teaching/research roles in Indian colleges and universities. The UGC conducts this test to recruit eligible candidates for Assistant Professor positions in subjects such as Humanities and Social Science. The SET or SLET exam is conducted in the English language in various states of India.

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Why SLET Exam?

The commission sensed that an exam like SLET at the national level might not be completely able to signify the regional subjects. Also, the conducting body received requests to allow the applicants to appear for the SLET exam in their mother tongue. Therefore, State Governments and Union Territories were given the freedom to organize separate SLET exams to test applicants’ eligibility for a lectureship at the state level. Because of this, the concept of SLET or SET at the state level originated. The exam is now conducted both in English and Regional languages.

Read the evaluation methodologies and outcomes. Also, read everything about the Teachers’ Eligibility Test.

List of States Conducting SLET 

At present, the SLET exam is conducted in the states mentioned below:

  • Himachal Pradesh
  • Jammu & Kashmir
  • Rajasthan
  • Maharashtra & Goa
  • Tamil Nadu
  • Madhya Pradesh
  • Andhra Pradesh
  • West Bengal
  • NE-SLET (all North Eastern states and Sikkim)
  • Karnataka

The commission establishes an Accreditation Committee regularly to check the performance of the states organizing the SLET/SET exam. After that, the commission takes whatever action or decision it deems necessary about a state based on the Committee’s report.

SLET Eligibility Criteria

To avoid rejection, all the applicants need to understand and fulfill the SLET eligibility criteria before applying for the test:

  • Applying applicants must have a Master’s Degree from any University or Institution recognized by the Govt. of India. 
  • Applicants must be of Indian nationality to be eligible for applying for the Assistant Professor role. Also, candidates must have all appropriate documents in support of their domicile.
  • There is no age limit to appear in the SLET exam.
  • There is no limit on the number of attempts.

The applicants must meet all the criteria set by the State Level Entrance Test Commission to get their application accepted. If an application is rejected, there will be no refund or adjustment to the application fees paid by the applicant as per the commission rules and regulations.

Important note: The application fee for the SLET exam is different in every state as per the rules and regulations laid down by the exam conducting body of a particular state.

SLET Exam Pattern 

The SLET Exam is divided into two parts. Both papers comprise MCQ-type questions, and students will be given different amounts of time to attempt both parts of the exam. The marking scheme will be the same for both papers. Given below is the detailed pattern for the SLET Exam.



Number of Questions





1 hour




2 hours

The SLET Exam involves two tests, both of which will be offline only.

  • Paper 1 will focus on general subjects, which will test General Awareness, Reasoning Ability, Divergent Thinking, and Comprehension.
  • Paper 2 will be made up of the core subject applicants have chosen.
  • Applicants will receive 2 marks for every correct answer.
  • There will be no negative marking.

As mentioned above, various states conduct their separate SLET exams. Therefore, we’ve mentioned some details about the SLET exams and how they’re conducted in some states of India.

Karnataka State Eligibility Test

Recognized by the UGC, The Karnataka State Eligibility Test (KSET) has been the standard test that applicants need to crack to take up the Assistant Professor role since 2010. Candidates who have successfully cleared the previous KSET Exam are not allowed to retake the eligibility test. If any applicant is found reappearing for the exam, they will be rejected and denotified.

Application Fee for the KSET Exam

The application fee for the KSET exam varies for each candidate based on their category. Interested candidates can find the application fees for the KSET exam below. 

CategoryFee Amount (INR)
GeneralRs. 1,050
Category – IIA, IIB, IIIA, IBRs. 850
Category – SC, ST, PWD (PH/VH)Rs. 550

Telangana State Eligibility Test (TS SET)

Osmania University conducts the Telangana State Eligibility Test (TS SET) in Hyderabad to recruit potential Lecturers/Assistant Professors for the universities and colleges of Telangana state. 

Application Fee for TS SET Exam

The application fee for the TS SET exam varies for each candidate based on their category. Interested candidates can find the application fees for the TS SET exam below. 

CategoryApplication Fee (INR)
General/OCRs. 1,100
BCRs. 880
SC/ST/PH/VH/TransgenderRs. 550

Madhya Pradesh State Eligibility Test (MP SET)

The Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission (MPPSC) conducts the Madhya Pradesh State Eligibility test to recruit potential candidates for Lectureship. The MP SET acts as an employment exam for Assistant Professors/Lecturers in colleges and universities of Madhya Pradesh.

MP SET Exam Application Fee

The application fee for the MP SET exam varies for each candidate based on their category. The fee needs to be paid based on the category that the aspirant falls under. Also, the applicants must pay the application fee before the 1st week of the month in which the payment procedure begins.


Application Fee (INR)



All other categories


The SLET exam is conducted every year to recruit candidates who aspire to pursue a career in Lectureship. It is a great opportunity for thousands of candidates all across India. Therefore, it is necessary to have information about the SLET Full form exam. Keep visiting the official website of SLET for further updates.

Importance of SLET (State Level Eligibility Test):

  1. Eligibility for Assistant Professorship: SLET is an important qualifying exam for individuals aspiring to become Assistant Professors in universities and colleges within a specific state. Qualifying for the SLET exam makes candidates eligible to apply for Assistant Professor positions, which are crucial roles in higher education institutions.
  2. Standardization of Eligibility: SLET helps ensure that candidates possessing the required knowledge and skills are considered for Assistant Professor roles. It sets a standardized benchmark to evaluate the eligibility of candidates, thereby maintaining the quality of education in higher institutions.
  3. State-wise Recognition: While the National Eligibility Test (NET) is conducted at the national level, SLET is conducted by individual states. Every state has its different requirements for professors and criteria for Assistant Professor positions, and SLET caters to those specific needs, providing state-wise recognition of eligibility.
  4. Research opportunity Eligibility: In some states, qualifying for the SLET exam may also make candidates eligible for the award of Junior Research Fellowships (JRF). JRFs are valuable for individuals pursuing research in various disciplines. Research opportunities help in the growth of an individual’s career
  5. Government Job Eligibility: Apart from Assistant Professor positions, some government job notifications may also consider SLET qualification as an eligibility criterion for specific posts.

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