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Tamil Nadu State Board

State Board School Examinations & Board of Higher Secondary Examinations, Tamil Nadu is referred to by its more commonly known name, the Tamil Nadu State Board. It offers a wide range of courses for its students up to the PU level for all categories of learners, but also works as a pivotal institution for carrying forward the regular as well as the open school movement in the country for achieving the objective of developing an inclusive learning society.

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In India, the Tamil Nadu State Board is one of the first boards to hold the best position among other states. It was established by Sir Thomas Munro in 1826. Tomas Munro was the Governor of the Madras Province at the time. The aim of this board is to increase the literacy rate in the state as well as across the nation. The board opened its first school back in 1841, and the State Secondary Education was set up much later in 1910. The board conducted the SSLC Public Examination in Tamil Nadu for the first time n 1911.

Read the evaluation methodologies and outcomes. Also, read everything about the Teachers’ Eligibility Test.

Tamil Nadu holds one of the highest positions among the most literate states in the country. Its literacy rate is extremely high, with a percentage of around 81%. The national survey of students, teachers, and schools ranked Tamil Nadu in first place in the nation.

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