There are two terms in Taxonomy of Educational Objectives – Taxonomy and Educational Objectives. Taxonomy is about the classification system based on the organizational scheme. Educational objectives deal with the end results of learning and standards followed to achieve the goal.
A group of researchers led by Benjamin Bloom addressed these domains, bringing them together, commonly called Bloom’s Taxonomy or Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. It is a hierarchical model divided into three, providing a classification of learning objectives on the basis of its complexity and specifications.
These educational objectives has three key domains, which include cognitive, affective and psychomotor (sensory domains). These have become an important aspect of a modern-day education system.
The cognitive domain comprises learning skills that are more about mental processes. The next is the affective domain which deals with giving the feelings, emotions, and attitude the right shape. This helps in developing the behaviors and attitudes of the students along with the physical skills as well. The last domain is the psychomotor objectives, which deals with discreet physical functions, interpretive movements, and reflex actions.
Including these domains in the Educational Objectives is one of the key things about education reform. All these domains have been described a few decades before at different points of time in the late fifties and sixties.