College students often use the university term transfer credit, also known as advanced standing. This term refers to the process of granting credit on the grounds of educational courses taken at a different university. This is granted to learners or students who shift from one institution to another during the course of study owing to inevasible circumstances.
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Transfer credit is summarised as the acceptance of previous education in the form of course units, credits represented on the academic affairs, and transcripts of the respective student. The courses that are also regarded as transfer courses are not taken into consideration for the GPA of the students in the current institutions. These are, in fact, recorded to display the level of student performance in the transferred course of study. The date and duration of the course are also taken into consideration here.
A formal petition needs to be filed for issuing transfer credit by students. The transfer credit is associated with formal academic coursework.
For example, transfer credits exist in the form of experiential learning and academic credits. The credits a student receives through his/her examinations are also forms of transfer credits. Additionally, external credits of training also come under the transfer credit types.
Subsequently, all courses are not necessarily counted as transfer credits. An example of this is the course Remedial which deals with credits but does not come under this category. Even the Continuing Education Units in an educational institution do not serve as transfer credits.
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