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CSIR NET Cut Off – How to Pass?

The CSIR UGC NET or Council of Scientific and Industrial Research University Grants Commission National Eligibility Test is a national-level exam held to award or select JRF or Junior Research Fellowships (JRFs) and lecturers. Approximately 10 lakh candidates appear for the exam to apply as lecturers of Science and Mathematics every year.

To begin with, CSIR has five subjects: Mathematical Science, Earth Science, Physical Science, Life Science, and Chemical Science. As far as the result of CSIR NET is concerned, the conducting National Testing Agency (NTA) considers a cut-off, which depends on several aspects.

Generally, the CSIR NET cut off depends on the subjects chosen, the post (JFR or lecturer) you are applying for, the candidate’s category (General, SC, ST, OBC), etc. The entire CSIR NET exam has three sections: Part A, Part B, and Part C. One does not consider the marks separately. Instead, aggregate marks of all three parts form the basis for calculating the cut off.

Category-Wise CSIR NET Cut Off for Different Subjects

Typically, the category-wise distribution of the CSIR NET cut off in almost every year is as given below:

Chemical Science43-4945-4737-4230-3525-2625-26
Physical Science45-5040-4339-4329-3325-2625-28
Life Science49-5142-4540-4334-3723-2529-30
Earth Science51-5750-5447-5140-4426-2737-39
Mathematical Science48-5143-4641-4431-3323-2525-26

Note: These are the expected cut-offs for lecturership.

Here are the details of the actual CSIR NET cut off 2020 for JRFs:

SubjectUnreserved (%)EWS (%)OBC (%)SC (%)ST (%)PWD (%)
Chemical Science50.5044.543.2533.2525.525
Physical Science46.2540.68839.68831.56326.87525
Life Science*98.9496.5796.0489.6883.10974.75
Earth Science59.8654.3152.7944.2240.9029.33
Mathematical Science57.0051.3850.7540.2530.8828.75

*Marks in Life Science are normalized to the NTA percentile, and the CSIR NET exam result is declared as per the percentile cut off.

Here is the actual CSIR cut off 2020 for lectureships:

SubjectUnreserved (%)EWS (%)OBC (%)SC (%)ST (%)PWD (%)
Chemical Science46.4540.0538.92529.92525.0025.00
Physical Science41.62536.61935.71928.40725.0025.00
Life Science*97.18994.00993.21385.38277.51274.75
Earth Science53.8748.8747.5139.7936.8126.39
Mathematical Science51.3046.23845.67536.22527.78825.875

*Marks in Life Science are normalized to the NTA percentile, and the CSIR NET exam result is declared as per the percentile cut off.

Factors Impacting the CSIR NET Cut Off

One can see that the cut off for every subject varies every year. Certain factors affect the CSIR NET cut off range, which are:

  • Total candidates appearing in the exam
  • Average marks obtained by students
  • The difficulty level of any subject or a particular paper
  • Categories of students, i.e., General, OBC, SC/ST, or EWS

Although these factors impact the general cut off, students often ignore them. Apart from this, one’s preparation techniques and thorough revision matter the most to crack the exam.

Tips to Pass CSIR NET Exam

Here are a few pointers that should help you prepare for and pass the exam with a high score above the cut off: 

  • Review the syllabus

Before preparing for the exam, paste an updated syllabus on your study planner to learn and practice accordingly. Tick off the topics that you have completed. It will provide you the right track to keep on a strategic study path.

  • Focus on time management

Time management plays a vital role in completing your preparations on schedule with a proper revision at the end. Experts and guides suggest 5 hours of learning time daily and sparing at least 1 hour for revision. A quick daily revision helps to keep track of topic completion and devise exam strategies accordingly.

  • Study planning is highly important

You cannot pass the exam if you do not pay equal attention to every subject. Hence, a precise study plan and preparation strategies will help you out. Consider the important points first and give a read of them frequently.  Check previous years’ papers to know which topics hold more importance. As soon as you complete the important topics, revise them thoroughly.

Generally, the middle of the day can be a period of downtime, offering little motivation to focus. Hence, read and solve those topics that require less time and are interesting then. Select topics that need short tricks to solve them.

  • Monitor your performance

Dedicate time in the evenings to refining and innovating your performance. How can you do that? Solve at least one question-set every day within a given time (depending on the time duration mentioned in the question paper). 

Solving previous years’ question papers will be quite beneficial. It will not only enhance your performance but also provide you with a sufficient idea of the general question pattern. One can also know which topics hold more importance. 

  • Prepare comprehensive short notes

Make short notes for a quick review before the exam. It is difficult to read an entire book just before the exam. Short notes of the important points of every chapter will help with a quick review and thorough revision of the topics in the days leading up to the exam. Making short notes is also helpful for time management.

  • Clear the basics of every topic

Having precise knowledge of the basics is extremely important to jump into the difficult-level questions. It is the key to succeeding in the exam. When you are aware of the theoretical aspects, a practical approach gets easy. 

  • Select the best study material

The study material is like a guide that paves the right path to success in exams. Make sure the books you select cover every topic of the syllabus. Give some time to researching suitable books with language that is easy to grasp and covering every topic from every angle of preparation.

  • Mock tests are effective

Read sample questions thoroughly and give a mock test of every chapter (at least one in a day). Focus on those areas in which you are weak and practice them regularly to get a command of them.

Wrapping Up

Once you know about the general CSIR NET cut-off, focus on those topics that will help you score more. With hard work and time-focused strategies, rely on smart tips to make the learning process seamless and easy-going. Manage your time and prepare well for the exam to apply for posts that are easy to crack with high recruitment options. Prepare for your exams with Teachmint’s learning management system.