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CSIR NET Syllabus- Life Science

CSIR NET (Council of Scientific & Industrial Research) National Eligibility Test is a nationwide standardized test that measures the aptitude of Indian candidates for the position of Lectureship/Assistant Professor and Junior Research Fellowship. We will be looking at the CSIR NET syllabus.

This prestigious exam is held as Joint CSIR-UGC NET examination by NTA (National Testing Agency). CSIR NET is conducted for five different subjects, which are:

  • Life Sciences 
  • Earth Sciences 
  • Chemical Sciences 
  • Physical Sciences 
  • Mathematical Sciences

What is Life Sciences?

Life science is a branch of study that involves a technical understanding of biology and biotechnology. It includes learning about microbes, plants, humans, and animals. CSIR NET examination is a crucial test if you want to advance your career in teaching or research roles

CSIR NET Syllabus for Life Sciences Based on the CSIR UGC NET December 2019 Syllabus

If you are interested in cracking this examination and forward your career in this field, you need to fully comprehend the CSIR NET Syllabus. This article will help carefully break down the CSIR NET Life Science syllabus and facilitate your preparation. Since CSIR NET was not conducted in 2020 due to COVID, let us keep the  CSIR UGC NET December 2019 syllabus as a frame of reference.

As per the  CSIR UGC NET December 2019 syllabus, thirteen units under the Life sciences need to be covered thoroughly. We have enlisted a detailed guide for all the necessary topics to be covered under every unit.

 CSIR UGC NET December 2019 Syllabus

Unit 1 – Molecules And Their Interaction Relevant to Biology

  1. Stability of proteins and nucleic acid 
  2. Composition or molecules, atoms and chemical bonds. 
  3. Structure and function of biomolecules 
  4. Biological Energy Transducers, Group Transfer, Coupled Reaction, Oxidative Phosphorylation, Glycolysis, Bioenergetics
  5. Stabilizing interactions like electrostatic bonds, hydrogen bonds, etc.
  6. Principles of biophysical chemistry
  7. Principles of catalysis, enzymes and enzyme kinetics
  8. Metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, nucleotides and vitamins. 

Unit 2 – Cellular Organization

  1. Cell division and the cell cycle, cell mitosis and meiosis, steps in cell cycle and regulation. 
  2. Membrane structure and function, regulation of intracellular transport, membrane & lipid bilayer protein diffusion, osmosis, ion channels, active transport, membrane pumps. 
  3. Microbial Physiology
  4. The organization of genes and chromosomes
  5. Structural organization and function of intracellular organelles

Unit 3 – Fundamental Processes

  1. RNA synthesis and processing
  2. Control of gene expression at transcription and translation level
  3. Protein synthesis and processing
  4. DNA replication, repair, and recombination

Unit 4- Cell communication and cell signaling

  1. The innate and adaptive immune system
  2. Cellular communication
  3. Cancer
  4. Cell signaling
  5. Host-parasite interaction

Unit 5- Developmental Biology

  1. Basic concepts of development
  2. Morphogenesis and organogenesis in animals
  3. Gametogenesis, fertilization, and early development
  4. Morphogenesis and organogenesis in plants

Unit 6- System Physiology – Plant

  1. Photosynthesis
  2. Nitrogen metabolism
  3. Respiration and photorespiration 
  4. Solute transport and photoassimilate translocation
  5. Stress physiology
  6. Secondary metabolites
  7. Plant hormones 
  8. Sensory photobiology

Unit 7- System Physiology – Animal

  1. Cardiovascular System
  2. Nervous system
  3. Blood and circulation 
  4. Respiratory system
  5. Sense organs
  6. Thermoregulation
  7. Excretory system
  8. Stress and adaptation
  9. Endocrinology and reproduction
  10. Digestive system 

Unit 8- Inheritance Biology

  1. Mendelian principles
  2. Extensions of Mendelian principles
  3. Extrachromosomal inheritance
  4. Gene mapping methods
  5. Concept of gene
  6. Microbial genetics
  7. Recombination
  8. Human genetics
  9. Structural and numerical alterations of chromosomes: 
  10. Quantitative genetics
  11. Mutation

Unit 9- Diversity of Life Forms

  1. Principles & methods of taxonomy
  2. Organisms of conservation concern
  3. Levels of structural organization
  4. Organisms of health & agricultural importance
  5. Outline classification of plants, animals & microorganisms
  6. The natural history of the Indian subcontinent

Unit 10- Ecological Principles

  1. The Environment
  2. Conservation Biology
  3. Habitat and Niche
  4. Applied Ecology
  5. Population Ecology
  6. Biogeography
  7. Ecosystem Ecology
  8. Species Interactions
  9. Ecological Succession:
  10. Community Ecology

Unit 11- Evolution and Behaviour

  1. The emergence of evolutionary thoughts
  2. Brain, Behavior, and Evolution
  3. Origin of cells and unicellular evolution
  4. The Mechanisms
  5. Molecular Evolution
  6. Paleontology and Evolutionary History

Unit 12- Applied Biology

  1. Microbial fermentation and production of small and macromolecules.
  2. Biosensors
  3. Application of immunological principles, vaccines, diagnostics. Tissue and cell culture methods for plants and animals
  4. Bioremediation and phytoremediation
  5. Transgenic animals and plants, molecular approaches to diagnosis and strain identification
  6. Breeding in plants and animals, including marker-assisted selection
  7. Genomics and its application to health and agriculture, including gene therapy.
  8. Bioresource and uses of biodiversity

Unit 13- Methods in Biology

  1. Molecular Biology and Recombinant DNA methods
  2. Methods in field biology
  3. Histochemical and Immunotechniques
  4. Electrophysiological methods
  5. Biophysical Method
  6. Microscopic techniques
  7. Statistical Methods
  8. Radiolabeling techniques

The CSIR NET syllabus also includes general aptitude questions along with the core subject-related portions. These questions will cover graphical analysis, data interpretation, reasoning, and numerical ability. You can prepare for these topics using an educational erp.

CSIR NET Syllabus: Final Take

This national examination requires a thorough understanding of every topic under the CSIR NET Syllabus for life sciences. Go through the  CSIR UGC NET December 2019 syllabus thoroughly and identify your weak areas while strengthening your knowledge of basic concepts. Understand the basics first and then prepare for the exam using the learning management system by Teachmint.