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CSIR NET Time Duration

The CSIR NET time duration is 180 minutes or three hours, and the exam is held twice a year on a national level. The students appear in one exam to answer questions about their chosen subject. 

The National Testing Agency conducts the CSIR NET test. The students compete to obtain a position as Junior Research Fellowship and Lectureship in one of the national level universities or colleges across the country. 

In total, the exam is for 200 marks, and the selection is based on the final score in the MCQ-based test followed by a personal interview. Let’s find more about the CSIR NET time duration, weightage, exam pattern, and syllabus, along with some time management tips you can follow during the exam. 

CSIR NET Time Duration and Exam Pattern

In CSIR NET, you will sit for one exam completed in three parts – A, B, and C. You will get 180 minutes to complete all three parts. However, the type of questions in all the parts is different, which means that your preparation must be done according to the given syllabus.

For the exam pattern, understand this;

  • Part A is the common exam that every student appearing for the CSIR NET exam has to give. The Part A question paper has 20 questions related to general aptitude. In total, it has 15 questions with 2 marks. You can expect questions from topics like analogies, directions, number series, relationships, data analysis, non-verbal reasoning, etc. 
  • Part B is the subject-specific segment of the paper. The CSIR NET time duration is common for all the parts, so do not expect to get 180 minutes for each part. The questions in Part B depend on the subject you have chosen. 
  • Chemical Sciences – 50
  • Earth Sciences – 50
  • Life Sciences – 50
  • Mathematical Sciences – 40
  • Physical Sciences – 25

As the number of questions differs, the maximum marks you can get in Part B also differ. So, it is essential to understand your subject’s question composition. A good approach would be to analyze the question pattern of the previous year’s exams. When preparing for the exam, one of the tricks is to use a study planner and take time-based tests.

  • Part C of the exam is added to check your scientific analytical skills. The total number of questions in this part also varies with the subject. 
  • Chemical Sciences – 60
  • Earth Sciences – 80
  • Life Sciences – 75
  • Mathematical Sciences – 60
  • Physical Sciences – 35

In Part B and C, you need not answer every question. The maximum number of questions you are required to attempt is mentioned in the question paper. Yes, you can attempt more than the stated number of questions, but remember every wrong answer will invite negative marking. Ergo, avoid answering doubtful questions. 

Most importantly, the CSIR NET time duration for all three parts is 180 minutes or three hours. To pass the exam, you need a minimum of 33% marks for general, EWS, and OBC categories. The same for 25% for SC/ST and PwD candidates.  

CSIR NET Eligibility

The CSIR NET eligibility is also multi-faceted. According to the rules set forth by the authorities, the applicants must fulfill the eligibility criteria, which are as under. 

  • For educational requirements, the application must have completed MSc or an equivalent degree or Integrate BS-MS. Among the graduation courses, they should have completed BS (4 years), BE, BTech, BPharma, or MBBS. 
  • In terms of age, candidates applying for the JRF position should have obtained the maximum age of 28 years. Any candidate above this age is automatically considered for the position of Lectureship as there is no upper age limit to apply for the Lectureship. 

These are the primary conditions in CSIR NET eligibility. Besides this, there are relaxations in terms of age for the applications from SC/ST, OBC, and PwD categories. 

Time Management Tips

Seeing the CSIR NET time duration, it’s a luxury you cannot afford, especially during the exam. So, take note of these things while attempting;

  • Read the entire question paper before starting to attempt. This way, you will get an idea of the questions and can decide how much you can allot to short and long-form questions. 
  • While reading the question paper, mark the complex questions. Plan accordingly so that you have enough time to attempt them towards the end. 
  • Stay calm and do not panic. In case you are short on time, do not lose your concentration. Doing so will help you answer the questions you are attempting correctly. 


The CSIR NET time duration for the exam is limited, and you have to make the cut to ensure progress to the next level. Hence, it’s important to practice answering questions before the exam. 

As it is a competitive exam that leads to employment, you can expect many applications to appear. More students mean lower chances of clearing the exam with distinction. Even though you have two attempts every year, consider the CSIR NET eligibility and plan accordingly. Use the best study materials and take help from lms portals to exam preparation.