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Important Topics for CSIR UGC NET Exam


Competitive exam preparation requires both hard and smart work. Along with studying consistently, you have to make sure that you concentrate more on important topics. Though it is best to cover the entire syllabus, you need to focus more on crucial topics. If you have prepared the important concepts well, you can clear the CSIR UGC NET Exam with flying colors.

How To Figure Out Important Topics For CSIR UGC NET Exam?

The most critical part while studying for the CSIR UGC NET exam is to figure out the crucial topics because the syllabus is vast. Here are two ways to help you determine the important concepts in the CSIR UGC NET exam.

  1. Read Previous Years’ Question Papers: This is the best method to determine important topics for any competitive exam. Since the UGC NET syllabus has changed in 2019, you can go through the past two years’ question papers of your respective subject. Make a list of all the topics from which a lot of questions have been asked. Also, highlight similar questions in previous years’ question papers.
  1. Marks Weightage: Another method to find out important topics for the CSIR UGC NET exam is to calculate the marks weightage for specific units. You can go through the previous years’ question papers or model test papers to get an idea about the topics that hold maximum weightage in the UGC NET exam. You should focus on topics with a high probability of being tested in the exam and the topics from which maximum questions will be asked.

Important Topics for CSIR UGC NET Exam for All Subjects

Here are some of the most crucial topics for different subjects in the CSIR NET exam.

  1. Earth Sciences: This subject has the vastest syllabus as compared to the other four. The chapters that hold the maximum weightage in Earth Sciences are Oceanography, Atmospheric Science, Metrology, Geophysics, and Geomorphology. The average mark for each of these topics in the CSIR UGC NET exam is 40-50. Other relevant topics that you should concentrate on are:
  • Sedimentology
  • Geochemistry
  • Igneous petrology
  • The Earth and the solar system
  • Earth’s interior, tectonic plates, deformation
  • Oceans and atmosphere
  • Planetary science
  • Climatology
  • Earth materials
  • Surface features and processes
  • Marine geology and paleoceanography
  • Applied geology
  • Mineral and petrology
  1. Physical Sciences: The most important topics for Physical Sciences are:
  • Contour integration
  • Differential equations
  • Conservation of laws
  • Planetary motion
  • Scattering theory 
  • Maxwell’s Equation
  • Numerical analysis
  • Effective potential
  • Transistors
  • Electromagnetic Wave Theory
  • Operational amplifier
  • Effective mass

The CSIR UGC NET Physical Sciences exam’s important topics for different units are:

  • Mathematical Methods of Physics: Taylor’s theorem, contour integration, differential equation, Fourier transform, and numerical analysis methods like Simpson, Runge-Kutta, Newton-Raphson, and Trapezoidal
  • Electromagnetic Theory: Maxwell’s Equation, EM Wave Theory, and scalar and vector potential
  • Classical Mechanics: Planetary motion, virial theorem, and equation of motion
  • Quantum Method: Schrodinger Equation and operators, linear and spin angular momentum, Scattering Theory and phase and group velocity
  • Nuclear Physics: Quark Model, conservation of interactions, and Shell Model
  • Atomic Physics: Zeeman Effect, spectroscopic terms and transitions, Raman Spectra
  1. Chemical Sciences: The important topics for this subject are:
  • Allotropy, synthesis, structure, and bonding of main group elements
  • Acid and bases concepts
  • Spectral and magnetic properties in insert transition elements
  • Synthesis, bonding, and structure of organometallic compounds
  • Structure, bonding, and reaction activities of transition elements
  • Orbital and spin angular momenta, harmonic oscillator, and hydrogen atom in quantum mechanics
  • Methods of quantum mechanics such as variation principle and perturbation theory
  • Statistical and chemical thermodynamics concepts, like kinetic theory, Boltzmann Distribution, Le Chatelier Principle, Maxwell’s Relations
  • Magnetic resonance principles, vibrational spectra of diatomic molecules, Debye-Huckel Theory, and Kohlrausch’s Law
  • Common named reactions, pericyclic reactions, stereogenicity, stereoselectivity
  • Elimination and substitution reactions, catalytic agents, synthesis of compounds like Nitrogen and Hydrogen, and photochemical reactions
  1. Life Sciences: This subject has 13 units. The most important topics in all the units are:
  • Structure of amino acids, their behaviour and properties, stabilizing bonds between proteins and RNA, inhibition processes in enzyme kinetics, ETP and ATC Synthesis, lipid and carbohydrates structures
  • Pathways for protein transportation, cellular fractionation, and membrane structure, composition, and functions
  • Structure of chromosomes, DNA sequences, microbial diseases, and their growth and stress conditions
  • Types and structure of RNA, protein synthesis, and gene regulation
  • Cell communication, structure and interactions, and cancerous genes
  • Egg and sperm fusion, Gastrulation and Gametogenesis, formation of limbs, sex determination, double fertilization, and leaf development
  • Cardiac cycle, ECG graph, and neurotransmitters
  • Binomial nomenclature, bacterial diseases, and parasites
  • Ecosystem, energy pyramid, vaccines, separation and analytical technique in RNA and DNA
  1. Mathematical Sciences: Important topics for the Mathematical Sciences CSIR UGC NET exam are:
  • Integral calculus
  • Differential equations
  • Linear algebra
  • Calculus of variables
  • Complex analysis
  • Number Theory
  • Classical mechanics
  • Probability and statistics
  • Topology


One of the secrets to acing competitive exams is knowing what to study. As the syllabus of nearly all competitive exams is quite broad, you cannot remember every topic. Therefore, you must focus more on the important CSIR UGC NET topics to crack the exam.

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