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HTET Syllabus- Child Development & Pedagogy

Haryana Teachers Eligibility Test (HTET) is conducted by the Haryana Government every year. There are three levels for this exam. To join a primary school, you will have to appear for the Level 1 exam. If you want to become a trained graduate teacher, you can fill the form for HTET Level 2. To become a post-graduate teacher, you can appear for Level 3. The HTET syllabus for all three levels comprises three common subjects, namely, child development and pedagogy, languages, general studies.

HTET Syllabus- Child Development and Pedagogy

The HTET syllabus for Child Development and Pedagogy has a weightage of 30 marks in the HTET exam. The objective of this subject is to make teachers familiar with the psychology of children between the age of six to eleven years. It helps them understand different teaching techniques as per the needs of every child. 

The syllabus is divided into three categories, namely, child development for primary school children, inclusive education by paying more attention to children with special needs, and learning and pedagogy techniques. Here are the topics that will be covered in the HTET syllabus for child development and pedagogy.

  • Child Development- This part has a vast syllabus. It focuses on the development of children between the ages of 6-11 years. You need to cover the following topics under this section:
    1. Principles for the development of all children.
    2. The concept of development of children and how development plays a major role while learning.
    3. How do external and internal environmental factors and hereditary behavior affect the development of children?
    4. What are the various socialization processes, and how do children socialize with their teachers, peers, and parents?
    5. The concept of gender in society. What are the various gender roles, and how does gender bias influence educational practice?
    6. Constructs and critical perspectives of Piaget, Kohlberg, and Vygotsky.
    7. The various concepts related to progressive and child-centered education.
    8. Multidimensional intelligence language and thought process in children.
    9. Teaching techniques and preparing appropriate questions for children to assess their learning capability.
    10. How to enhance critical thinking and learning ability in children?
  • Inclusive Education- The purpose of this section is to sensitize and train teachers to understand and assess the learning capability of children with special needs. It also helps teachers understand different techniques of teaching children with an impairment. Following are the topics that you need to study for this section:
  1. Addressing children from disadvantaged, deprived, and other different backgrounds.
  2. Understanding the requirements of children with an impairment or learning disabilities.
  3. How to address specially-abled children with special talents and skills?
  • Learning and Pedagogy- This section focuses on teaching and learning concepts. The HTET syllabus for this section includes the following topics:
  1. Various learning and teaching concepts, techniques, and strategies.
  2. Understanding the thought process of children while learning.
  3. What affects children’s performance in the classroom?
  4. How can children be problem solvers and scientific investigators?
  5. Cognitive ability and emotional intelligence in children.
  6. Personal and environmental factors that contribute to learning.

The child development and pedagogy subjects are essential for all three levels. There are 150 multiple choice questions in every paper, out of which 30 questions are related to child development and pedagogy.

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