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7 Things to Learn From KTET Toppers

In Kerala, the Kerala Pareeksha Bhavan conducts the KTET exam twice a year to make candidates eligible to teach lower secondary, upper secondary, and high school classes. The Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test (KTET) ensures qualified candidates become eligible for recruitment to the teaching profession in the state.

It is not too late for candidates who intend to take the KTET exam to start preparing. Candidates should plan out a proper strategy before beginning their preparations and then put it into action to succeed on the KTET exam. You need to learn several things from the most delicate KTET toppers who have cracked the exam with flying colors. The following are the top KTET preparation tips shared for the convenience of candidates by the KTET toppers.

Tips for Preparing for the KTET 

KTET toppers have shared their best preparation tips and things you should learn from them below to prepare for the KTET exam by following their recommendations.

Syllabus and Pattern for the KTET Exam

You should review detailed KTET exam patterns and syllabus before beginning to prepare for the exam. Candidates can understand the subjects, marking scheme, and essential topics by studying the KTET syllabus and pattern. There are four KTET exam pattern and syllabus categories- Category I, Category II, Category III, and Category IV.

  1. Practicing

KTET is an examination like any other, so you must practice well to succeed. Candidates are advised to practice KTET sample papers, previous years’ question papers, and mock tests. When students practice well, they become aware of their weak and strong areas and can work to improve themselves to score highly on the exam.

  1. Plan Your Strategy Smartly

Applicants who are successful in combining the smart strategy with hard work will have the ability to prepare an innovative and effective method for the examination. Applicants should develop a sound system during the preparation phase to have a good chance of qualifying with good marks.

  1. Notes Should Be Simple

Learning how to form simple notes will be very beneficial for the candidates preparing for the KTET examination. Note down any details that will be included in the syllabus for study so that they can all be kept in one place. Candidates should review the notes during the revision period.

  1. Syllabus To Follow

The candidates could prepare better for the examination by following the syllabus and making notes before getting started on the exam; the candidates would need to study from the syllabus suggested by the authority.

  1. Mock Tests Are Useful For Practicing

Mock tests allow candidates to gauge their writing speed for the examination. For better preparation, candidates should go through a variety of types of questions. It is recommended that candidates attempt online and offline mock tests during their practice.

  1. Managing Time And Ensuring Accuracy

There is a fixed time for candidates to attempt the question paper in the KTET exam. Even though negative marking will not be applied in the exam, candidates should make sure they can complete the exam at a fast and accurate pace to ace it. A candidate should give each question no more than a minute of attention while attempting the KTET question paper.

  1. Revision

A few days before the exam, as per KTET toppers, candidates should devote themselves to reviewing the critical topics that are highly likely to be asked in the exam. The last days of studying are not the time for deep reflection; candidates should revise topics, formulas, and shortcuts during this period. For the candidates to play with the concepts of the varied topics, a clear grasp of the concepts is necessary. If applicants lack comprehension of the ideas, they will likely make mistakes, not understanding the concepts.

The Most Amazing FAQ’s For KTET Preparation Tips When Asked By KTET Toppers:

#Is it possible to prepare for the KTET exam without coaching?

Candidates can prepare for the KTET exam without coaching by using books and online study materials.

#For KTET exam preparation, how much time is needed?

To ace the KTET exam with high scores, candidates should start studying for the exam at least six months beforehand.

#Is there any perfect way to prepare for the KTET exam?

By studying the KTET syllabus and exam pattern in detail, you can begin your exam preparation.

#For the preparation for the KTET Child Development and Pedagogy exam, what is the best book to use?

Those preparing for the section can refer to the Child Development and Pedagogy book published by Arihant Publications.

#Is it enough to practice previous year’s papers to prepare for the KTET exam?

You will not succeed in your KTET exam with high scores if you only practice previous years’ question papers.

#Is there any accurate way to prepare for KTET Mathematics?

KTET Mathematics is broken down into several topics: Number Series, HCF & LCM, and others. The best way to prepare for KTET Mathematics is to focus on each topic and learn about them thoroughly.

#In the English Language section of the KTET, what are the most important topics?

Candidates should prepare the following topics for the KTET English Language section: Reading Comprehensions, English Grammar, Synonyms, Antonyms, etc.

#What is the KTET exam’s hostile marking policy?

The KTET exam does not have negative markings.

#In the KTET Hindi language, what are the most important topics?

In preparation for the Hindi language section of the KTET, candidates should familiarize themselves with the following topics: reading comprehension, Hindi grammar, etc.


The Kerala Teachers Eligibility Test is run through the Kerala Government Education Board, a test known as KTET and completely known as Kerala Teachers Eligibility Test. The candidates that wish to be short-listed for possessing adequate skills to demonstrate in Lower Primary classes, Upper Primary classes, and high school classes in Kerala will apply for the KTET Examination through the online mode by visiting the official website. All the KTET toppers were also the aspirants, so they know exactly how every aspirant feels. 

For clearing this exam, as per the KTET toppers, you need to have complete control over your syllabus, exam pattern, and an overview of the test papers of previous papers. Learning, practicing and hard work are the three foremost things that will guarantee success in your KTET exam attempt. The seven tips mentioned above from KTET toppers will help you give your best shot to this exam. 

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