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Salary, Posting, Vacancy for KTET

Before starting with posting, vacancy, and salary of KTET qualified teachers, one should have a brief knowledge of what is KTET?

KTET is Kerala Teachers Eligibility Test and is abbreviated as KTET. It is organized by the Kerala Government Education Board, which also regulates the selection of the candidates for the job of a teacher in High School, Upper Primary and Lower Primary Classes of Kerala State.

This exam is conducted twice a year and consists of multiple-choice questions with 150 maximum marks. Those who score above the minimum cut-off are selected.

This test has no upper age limit. There is always an opportunity to improve marks. But the candidate must not be less than 21 years of age at the time of appointment.

Now, moving forward, let’s talk about the salary of KTET qualified teachers, which is the most important part for those who are applying or who are preparing for the same. After all, it’s important to know how much one can earn from the profession they are preparing for.

Salary of KTET Qualified Teachers

Many candidates are trying to clear the KTET as this job offers security and social status, which is the main factor that attracts teaching aspirants. Those who have cleared Kerala Teachers Eligibility Test can apply for the post of High School Assistant, Upper Primary Assistant, and Lower Primary Assistant. The Kerala Service Commission announces the notification of the vacancies for HSA/UPSA/LPSA on its official website. But only those who have cleared the KTET along with other qualifications as asked by them can apply for the above-mentioned posts.

Salary Scale of KTET Qualified Teachers

  • The salary scale for High School Assistant is Rs. 29,200- Rs.62,400
  • The salary scale for Lower Primary School Assistant and Upper Primary School Assistant is Rs.25,200- Rs.54,000
  • House Rent Allowance for B2 class cities and above is Rs.1500, and for others, it is Rs.1000.Thiruvananthapuram, Kochi, Kollam, Kozhikode, Thrissur, and Kannur come under B2 cities. Also, the government institutions within 1 kilometer of the above-mentioned cities have an HRA of Rs.1500 and have city compensation. However, the employees of the Forest Complex at Kozhikode and Mahottama are eligible for House Rent Allowance at the rate of B2 cities.
  • City Compensation Allowance is Rs.440
  • DA (Dearness Allowance) is Rs.4536
  • Besides all these, the differently-abled employees will get an allowance of Rs.800 per month.

We have now seen the salary of KTET qualified teachers and all the monetary benefits they will get. Let’s move forward towards the posting of KTET qualified teachers.

Posting of KTET Qualified Teachers

Posting of KTET qualified teachers has its own significance because the candidates get to know where they will be getting the chance to share their knowledge with the rest of the people and how far they have to travel from their homes or, let’s just say, from their comfort zones to make a career.

We have a huge number of Government schools in every state, and many students take admissions in these schools. To provide them with the proper education, knowledgeable and experienced teachers are required, which is fulfilled through KTET. Candidates who have cleared the Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test will get the job as a teacher in High, Upper Primary, and Lower Primary schools and classes in Kerala state.

Vacancy for KTET Qualified Teachers

So far, we have gained a brief knowledge about the salary and posting of KTET teachers. However, it is essential to know about the vacancies of KTET as it will tell a candidate how many candidates will be selected and how much hard work they have to do to get selected based on the number of forms filled and vacancies for the post. This test is conducted by the Kerala Government Education Board who also regulates the selection of the candidates. This test is organized for the candidates who are seeking jobs as teachers in the state of Kerala. Every year the vacancies for these posts differ. They are not the same every year. You can check the vacancies for these posts in the notification released by the authority on their official website.

This was a brief guide about posting, salary, and vacancy for KTET qualified teachers. We hope you find it helpful while researching for the Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test. 

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