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PGT cut off- How to Pass the Exam


PGT stands for post-graduate teachers. The post-graduate teachers teach students of senior secondary. This is known as secondary school teaching. If one wishes to become a post-graduate teacher, he/she has to clear the PGT exam. But a question will pop up now, what is PGT teacher qualification? Well, long story short, one must have a post-graduation degree in a relevant subject. 

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Candidates will be benefitted by qualifying for the PGT exam as it will help them to build a career in educational services, and government teaching jobs is a professional, reputed and growing job in India. In this article, we will talk about the PGT exam cut-off and preparation strategy. So first thing first, to understand the PGT exam cut off, we need to have a brief idea about what is cut off because many of you who are appearing for the first time in a competitive exam may not have any idea about it.

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The cut-off mark is the minimum mark required by the candidate to pass that particular level of the exam, i.e., it is the minimum percentage required by the candidate to enter the next level or to get the job. This cut-off mark is different for every competitive exam, and that too every time an exam is conducted, it is different. 

It depends on the number of students appearing for the exam and the score they are getting in the exam. It is decided by the board who is conducting the exam. The board that is conducting decides the cut-off mark for the respective exam for each category. Now, let’s talk about the PGT exam cut-off.

PGT Cut-Off

#. The board that is conducting this exam releases the cut-off marks along with the merit list on the day of the result. 

#. These are the minimum marks required to pass the exam. 

#. These are based on many factors like the difficulty level of the examination, the overall performance of the candidates, total vacancies, the total number of candidates appearing for the exam, etc. 

#. A candidate who is preparing for the exam must check the previous year’s cut-off marks to know the expected bar to pass this year’s exam. 

How to Calculate the Cut-Off Marks? 

Candidates can calculate their marks even before the official result is out. For this, they need a copy of their answer sheet, which they have marked in the PGT exam and the official answer key, which has been released by the board on their website. With these two things, they can compare and calculate their scores accordingly and easily. The marking scheme which shall be used while calculating the marks is as follows:

#. If you find that your answer is matching with the one provided in the answer key, then reward yourself with 3.4 marks. 

#. There is no negative marking for incorrect answers. Therefore no mark will be deducted for the wrong answer. 

#. The total marks scored will be the summation of this series. 

Factors Affecting PGT Exam Cut-off

Many factors determine the cut-off marks of the PGT exam. Some of them are listed below: 

#. Difficulty Level: The PGT exam cut-off marks change every year. This cut-off mark will depend on the difficulty of the question papers in that particular year. If the number of difficult questions was high in the exam, then the cut-off mark would be lower and vice versa. 

#. Total Vacancies: Cut off mark depends highly on the number of vacancies released by the board. As if the number of vacancies is less than the cut-off marks is increased which will further increase the competition. 

#. Highest score Obtained: If there are candidates who have scored very high in the written exam, then the cut-off will increase according to the marks obtained. 

#. Performance: If the average performance is high, then the cut-off mark will increase for every category. 

#. Categories of Candidates: There are different cut-off marks for different categories. Reserved and unreserved candidates have variable cut-off marks every year. Some relaxation is given to the candidates belonging to the backward classes.

#. Candidates Appearing: If there are a higher number of candidates who are appearing for the exam, then the competition between the candidates will be heightened, which will lead to an increase in the cut-off marks of the PGT exam. 

#. Last Year Cut-Off Marks: Usually, the cut-off marks are similar to the previous year’s as the board tries to maintain the trend though you can see little fluctuations depending on the other factors. If you want to estimate the cut-off marks of the year you are in, check the previous year’s cut-off marks and plan your strategy to achieve that benchmark. 

Now that we have talked about the strategy, let’s know how to pass this exam and discuss our preparation strategy. 

How to Pass the Exam?

Before starting the preparation, a candidate must have the preparation strategy. Because if he/ she starts randomly, it won’t help them in a way a preparation strategy can help them. 

Given below are some tips to prepare for the PGT exam.


#. Syllabus: Firstly, go through the syllabus of the exam thoroughly so that you know what exactly you need to study for the exam. 

#. Topic Wise Study: Now that you know the syllabus, plan the topic-wise schedule and identify your strengths and weaknesses. Then, according to these strengths and weaknesses, plan your time and do not forget to devote sufficient time to your weak areas from the very beginning of your preparation. 

#. Exam Pattern: Once you know the syllabus, there is another important thing that has to be done, i.e., check the exam pattern. In the exam pattern, check the total number of questions that will be asked, duration of the exam, marking scheme, and the number of marks divided into each section.

#. Previous Year: Go through the previous year’s question papers. It will help you measure the difficulty level of the exam.

#. Mock Tests: To build exam-level confidence, practice mock tests as many times as you can. 

These were some of the tips which will help you to pass the exam. 

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