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PRT Important Topics

In its full form, PRT stands for Primary Teacher. Primary teachers are responsible for teaching classes 1-5. In order to become a Primary Teacher, a candidate must hold a Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed). This is a two-year diploma program that can be pursued either by full-time classroom instruction or by distance learning. The diploma usually takes four semesters to complete and prepares candidates to become primary school teachers.

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There are several private and public institutions offering diplomas in Elementary Education. One of the top institutes offering this course is NIOS, The National Institute of Open Schooling. A two-year diploma program in Elementary Education offers a challenging and innovative curriculum. Candidates for the D.El.Ed must pass an entrance examination that requires a minimum of 50 percent marks in aggregate in the 10+2.

This article aims to highlight the PRT topics so that you can plan a smart strategy for your upcoming PRT exam. But, before that, it is important to know the qualification needs of the PRT exam.

Read the evaluation methodologies and outcomes. Also, read everything about the hybrid learning.

Qualifications for a PRT

  1. A minimum of 50% marks in Senior Secondary School (or equivalent) and a 2-year Elementary Education Diploma


Graduate from a Senior Secondary (or equivalent) program with a minimum of 50% marks and receive your Bachelor of Elementary Education degree.


Students must have a senior secondary school diploma (or its equivalent) and a two-year education diploma.

  1. Passed the government’s Central Teacher Eligibility Test. of India.
  1. Proficiency in both Hindi and English as a medium of instruction.

Important Topics for the PRT Exam 

The only way to resolve all the questions that surround aspirants is through smart work. The PRT syllabus is vast, which means that hard work alone cannot serve the purpose. Thus, certain important PRT topics can help us to solve our dilemmas and ensure a smart exam strategy:

PRT Important Topics: English

  • Antonyms
  • Para jumbles
  • One word substitution
  • Synonyms
  • Idioms & Phrases

PRT Important Topics: Reasoning

  • Blood relations
  • The Number series and the Letters and Symbols series
  • Classification of Figures and Verbs
  • The Ability to Reason Mathematically
  • Reasoning with Alphanumeric Data
  • Rankings/Directions
  • Tableau/Puzzle
  • Anecdotes
  • Codes & Decodes
  • The local reasoning process
  • Other Miscellaneous

PRT Important Topics: Hindi

  • Synonyms and antonyms- moderate
  • Idioms and proverbs – easy to moderate
  • Spelling errors- easy to moderate
  • One word for many words – easy to moderate
  • Sentence correction – easy to moderate
  • Error in sentences- easy to moderate

PRT Important Topics: Current Affairs 

  • Literature & Authors
  • Days to Remember
  • Honors & Awards
  • Organizations at the national and international levels
  • Currency & Capital
  • News from around the world and the country
  • Athletes
  • A list of current appointments
  • Global Knowledge (GK)
  • Theme: Miscellaneous

PRT Important Topics: Teaching Aptitude 

  • The aptitude and development of students
  • Child-centered and progressive education
  • The development of teacher education in India
  • An experiment related to school and a new activity
  • Teaching methods and theories
  • Tests & Reports
  • Teachers’ duties and responsibilities
  • The study of pedagogy
  • Taking responsibility for society
  • Proficiency in teaching

Some General Tips for Taking the PRT Exam:

  1. Revision:

The importance of the revision of PRT topics cannot be overstated. Confidence is important, but overconfidence is dangerous. Make sure to revise everything carefully once more. Double-check weak topics before the exam.

  • Review everything you’ve studied.
  • Make short notes to help you revise the PRT topics more quickly.
  • Divide your strong, weak, and moderate sections and work on them accordingly.
  1. Accuracy:

Despite no negative marking, you still need to check your accuracy because it boosts your score.

  • If you don’t know the answer, leave the question.
  • Make sure your solution is accurate.
  • To make your attempts accurate, you must be fully focused.
  1. Time Management:

Management of time is of utmost importance. Don’t waste precious time on one long question. Leaving that question and moving on to the next one is the best option if you know it will take you a long time to answer. Long questions should be attempted at the end of the test.

  • It is helpful to have full mocks.
  • Manage your time well.
  • Questions that take a lot of time and are lengthy can be skipped.
  • Ensure that you pay attention to each question.
  1. Speed:

To pass the test on time, speed is very important. Speed and accuracy are equally important. Therefore, work on your speed.

  • Speed comes from practice.
  • You can improve your speed by answering more and more questions.

In A Nutshell!

This article was aimed at highlighting some of the PRT topics that can help you throughout your preparations for the next exam. It is important to know all PRT topics to ensure that you don’t leave any room for mistakes.

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