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PRT Study Materials

Would you like to know which books are the best for the PRT exam? For more information on the important books for the DSSSB teacher exam, you have come to the right place. Study materials for all past exams from the DSSSB will be discussed in this article. Below you will find a list of recommended books by experts, teachers, and qualified candidates. If you purchase all the suggested PRT study material, you will be prepared for the PRT exam.

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Let us have a look at the PRT study material and some of the best books!

Book Name: “Panorama Year Book 2018,” by Pratiogita Darpan.

Reasons To Get This Book

  • All competitive exams can be covered by this book.
  • Despite the high quality of content, the topic is handled in a precise and appealing manner
  • The quizzes on a particular topic are also included to test the aspirants’ knowledge.
  • A great deal of research has gone into the content, and the focus is on competitive exams.
  • There are also current affairs and GK questions from recent exams covered in this book.

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Book Name: “Lucent General Knowledge,” by Lucent Publisher

Reasons To Get This Book

  • All competitive exams can be prepared with this book.
  • English and Hindi versions of this book are also available.
  • Researched and geared towards competitive exams, the content is well written.

The Best Book For The Test Of English Language & Comprehension   

Book Name: “Objective General English,” by SP Bakshi.

Reasons To Get This Book

  • For building a fundamental understanding of English grammar, this book is a good source.
  • It provides an ample amount of practice questions.
  • It is easy to understand the language.
  • Idioms, vocabulary, one-word substitutions, and phrases are of optimal quality.

Best Book for Hindi    

Book Name: “Hindi” by Lucent Publication

Reasons To Get This Book

  • The book has been customized to meet the needs of PRT aspirants.
  • In addition to covering the syllabus well, the text contains ample content.
  • This article uses lucid and easy-to-understand language.
  • Additionally, previous years’ questions are included in this book.

Best PRT Book for General Intelligence & Reasoning Ability

Book Name: “Logical reasoning” by Dr. R.S Aggarwal and publication is S. Chand.

Reasons To Get This Book

  • Reasoning is covered both verbally and non-verbally in this book.
  • Practice questions abound.
  • There are more than enough questions for this exam, both in terms of quality and quantity.
  • In this book, the short tricks are also arranged according to topics.

Arithmetic and Numerical Ability – Best PRT Book

“Quantitative Aptitude” is by Dr. R.S. Aggarwal and is published by S. Chand.

Reasons To Get This Book

  • In this book, all the basic concepts are explained. These concepts can be built and understood by you.
  • In terms of both quality and quantity, there are more than enough questions for this exam.
  • In addition, this book includes a variety of questions to practice.
  • This book will help you score well on the test if you finish it before the test.

Best Book for PRT “Computer Knowledge”

Book Name: “Computer Awareness” by Arihant Publisher.

Reasons To Get This Book

  • Throughout this book, all the basic concepts of computers are covered.
  • Both the quality and quantity of questions are sufficient for the PRT exam.
  • Additionally, you will find a variety of types and patterns of questions to practice in this book.
  • This book will help you score well on your exam if you finish it before the test. 

Best Book for PRT “Pedagogy & Teaching Aptitude”

Book Name: “Child Development & Pedagogy” by Disha publication

Reasons To Get This Book

  • The book provides a good introduction to basic Pedagogy concepts.
  • You can practice a large number of questions.
  • There is no difficulty understanding the language.
  • The objective Question collection is at an optimal level.

Book Name: “Teaching Aptitude and Teaching Attitude” by R. Guptas

Reasons To Get This Book 

  • In addition to covering the syllabus well, the text contains ample content.
  • This article uses lucid and easy-to-understand language.
  • In the book, a detailed understanding of the whole topic is presented.
  • Ample previous years’ solved papers are included, allowing aspirants to get an insight into the recent years’ examination pattern, and the types of questions asked in various teaching exams.

Best Social Science Books For DSSSB PRT

Book Name: Social Science By R. Gupta

Reasons To Get This Book

  • This book contains the entire syllabus for the exam.
  • There are more than 3000 MCQs and many practice sets.
  • Solved papers for the most recent exam.
  • This test includes both descriptive and objective questions.
  • According to the latest syllabus and pattern.

The Subject Of DSSSB Teachers First Paper

  • General Awareness
  • Reasoning
  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • English Language and Comprehension
  • Hindi Language and Comprehension

The subjects of the DSSSB PRT syllabus are listed above, and every aspirant must be aware of the PRT study material and which publications and writer’s books are the best for the DSSSB PRT exam. They are relevant to all posts at DSSSB. PRTs and TGTs will have to attend the subject-specific session after completing this paper. Thus, it is best to learn about PRT study material and study the best books. 

Wrapping It Up!

It is best for you to analyze the PRT study material before you begin the preparations for your next exam. This article aims to highlight the best books that you should include in your PRT study material. These books are recommended by the toppers, teachers, and experts.  Thus, make sure you are aware of PRT study material to never miss out on important topics.

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