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Who Can Apply For PRT Exam?

A Primary Teacher (PRT), also known as an elementary teacher, is responsible for educating students of grades 1-5. A PRT is trained to deal with young children by undergoing the relevant training to become a professional. Primary teachers have a significant part in shaping the minds of young students who will grow up to be future leaders.

Understand and digitize school operations with Teachmint and its features like the performance management for efficient school management.

An aspirant must hold a Diploma in Elementary Education to take up the role of a Primary Teacher. This diploma program of two years can be pursued full-time or online/ distance learning. The primary goals of a primary school teacher are to focus on motivating students, empathy development, encouraging initiation, fostering friendships, etc.

Read the evaluation methodologies and outcomes. Also, read everything about the hybrid learning.

For the staffing of graduate teachers in state govt. schools, PRT exams are conducted by most of the Indian states. This recruitment process is quite lengthy and requires a lot of concentration and dedication. Also, there are specific eligibility criteria that candidates need to fulfill to apply for a PRT exam.

PRT Exam Eligibility

The candidate:

  • Must have cleared Senior Secondary with a minimum of 50% marks along with a 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education. 
  • Must have completed Senior Secondary with a minimum of 50% marks and a 4-year Bachelor of Elementary Education.
  • Must have passed Senior Secondary with a minimum of 50% marks and a 2-year Diploma in Education (Special Ed.).
  • Must be a Graduate with a minimum of 50% marks along with a degree of Bachelor of Education.
  • Must be proficient in teaching through English and Hindi Media.

PRT Exam: Syllabus and Exam Pattern

Take a look at the table below to see the latest PRT exam Pattern:

TestSubjectsNumber of QuestionTotal MarksTime
Part – IGeneral English10102 Hours 30 minutes
General Hindi1010
Part – IIGeneral knowledge & Current Affairs1010
Reasoning Ability1010
Computer Literacy1010
Subject concerned8080
  • There will be a total of 150 objective-type questions in the written test.
  • Candidates will get one mark for each correct answer.
  • There will be no negative marking scheme.
  • The time duration of the test will be 150 minutes.

PRT Syllabus is consist of two-Parts that is

  • Part 1: Hindi, English
  • Part 2: Reasoning, GK, Computer Literacy, Pedagogy, Concerned Subject

Important Topics For PRT Exam

1. General English:

  • Spelling Error
  • One word substitution
  • Error spotting
  • Fill in the blank
  • Idiom and Phrase
  • Antonyms/Synonyms

2. General Hindi:

  • पर्यायवाची/विलोम शब्द
  • अनेक शब्दो के लिए एक शब्द 
  • वाक्य सुधार 
  • वाक्यों में त्रुटिया
  • मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ
  • वर्तनी की त्रुटि

3. General knowledge & Current Affairs:

  • Awards and Honours
  • National & International Affairs
  • Books and Authors
  • Important Days
  • Schemes
  • Appointment
  • Sports
  • Countries & Capitals
  • International & National Organizations
  • Science & Technology
  • History
  • Geography
  • Polity
  • Static GK

4. Reasoning Ability:

  • Ranking
  • Non-verbal series
  • Analogies
  • Blood Relation
  • Arithmetic Number Series/Letter and Symbol Series
  • Figures/Verbal Classification
  • Coding-Decoding
  • Direction
  • Similarities and Differences
  • Word formulation & Dictionary Problem
  • Arithmetic Reasoning
  • Logical Reasoning

5. Computer Literacy:

  • Hardware
  • Software
  • Database (introduction)
  • Networking (LAN, WAN)
  • Internet (Concept, History, working environment, Application)
  • MS Windows, MS Office 

Tips & Tricks to Clear the PRT Exam

  1. Try to attempt as many quizzes or practice tests as possible.
  2. Set your daily goal to solve at least one mock test.
  3. Revision is a crucial part of the preparation and helps to improve your performance. Therefore, try to solve more and more previous year’s question papers.
  4. The grammar portion of the English subject is one of the most scoring and crucial sections. It can significantly enhance your overall score.
  5. Thoroughly read all the rules of topics like nouns, pronouns, articles, tenses, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, as this will help in attempting the error spotting questions.
  6. While solving the exam, do not spend too much time on one question. If you cannot solve any question, move on to another one and do not waste your time as every second counts.
  7. Forming an appropriate and strategic study schedule will also increase your chances of obtaining a better score than your competitors.
  8. All topics are significant, and each subject has its weightage, so don’t neglect any case.
  9. There is no negative marking scheme, so attempt as many questions as you can in the examination.

All the information mentioned above is highly significant for interested and appearing candidates. Therefore, it is advised to go through it carefully as it will come in handy throughout your PRT journey and will indubitably improve your performance in the PRT exam.

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