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How to Download the Admit Card – REET

The REET exam is now less than a month away. Thousands of aspirants are preparing for it. If you spend this time well, you can be confident of your REET results in 2021. As a result, before the examination, preparation should be done so that the proper conclusion of the long-term practice is produced. Let’s understand how you can download your admit card from the official website. But first, let’s start from the basics.

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How to apply for the REET exam 2021?

The application process is entirely online. Below mentioned are the steps following which you can register for the REET exam:

1. Visit the official website of BSER,

2. At the homepage, you will find a ‘News Update’ section under the link for the online application. Click on it.

3. Click on Register and generate Fee Challan for REET-2021.

4. Note down/save your username and password after filling in all the necessary details.

5. Proceed to fill the REET exam application form.

6. Application will be completed after the fee payment:

For paper, I = Rs 550

Both paper I & II = Rs 750

7. Save/print the copy of your application form for future references.

REET exam admit card

Read the evaluation methodologies and outcomes. Also, read everything about the hybrid learning.

The REET Exam official website is responsible for releasing the actual exam dates (including the start date of application form filling, last date for form filling, exam date, etc.) and admit cards for the exam. It is essential to keep track of all the necessary exam dates and accept cards without an admit card; you won’t know about your examination center and exam timings. You should ensure that your complete details are printed on the admit cards such as candidate name, roll number, date of birth, exam date, gender [Male/Female], date of exam, time and place of exam, photo, and signature of the candidate and essential instructions.

Carry any additional documents required such as identity proof – Aadhar card, Voter ID card, Driving License, etc. They will be mentioned in the essential instructions on the admit card.

It is also good to have two copies of your admit card, just if one gets lost or torn.

How to download your admit card 

  1. To download your admit card, visit the official website.
  2. When you visit the official website, the homepage will open.
  3. Look out for the roll number for the REET option and click on it.
  4. After clicking on that option, you will have to fill in some details such as registration number, etc.
  5. As you fill in the details, a primitive card will open before you, which is your admit card.
  6. Save it and get a hard copy printed for the day of the examination.

REET exam pattern 2021

All the candidates willing to appear for the REET exam 2021 should be well-versed with the syllabus and exam pattern. It will give them an idea of the questions, topics or subjects and difficulty level they will be facing in the examination. The candidates can then focus on their strengths and weaknesses accordingly, which can help in their time management during the test.

  • There is no negative marking.
  • For teachers of class I-V, Level I is conducted.
  • For teachers of class VI-VII, Level II is conducted.
  • Both levels will have 150 questions for 150 marks that is 1 mark per question.
  • The duration of the exam will be 2 hours 30 minutes, or 150 minutes.

Previous year cut-off

If you appear for the REET exam, it is good to check the previous year’s cut-off list so that you are well aware of the desired results expected and the minimum marks required to qualify for the exam. To check the same, you can go to the official website. Various factors determine each year’s cut-off, such as the number of candidates appearing for the exam, number of vacancies released, and difficulty level.

Calculate your marks before the REET results in 2021

After the exam, an answer key is released on the official website to tell the correct answers and the basis of their checking. Students can compare and calculate their marks by allotting one spot for each correct answer. No marks shall be allocated for wrong answers as there is no negative marking. Allot zero for unattempted questions too.

REET results in 2021

The board will release the REET results in 2021 after conducting an offline examination on their official website. As the recruitment will be for Level I teachers from classes 1-5 and Level II teachers from classes 6-8, subsequently, the REET results in 2021 will be announced separately for both levels.

How to check REET results 2021?

  1. Go to the official website.
  2. Look out for REET results 2021 under the ‘News update’ section.
  3. Click on it, fill in your roll number and Date of Birth and click on submit.
  4. After submission, your REET results 2021 shall appear on your screen.

At last, we would say, keep yourself motivated and positive. Do not think about the results even before giving your exam. Give your best shot, your 100%, have an “I can do it” attitude throughout the preparation because you are the only person who can believe in yourself the most. Give the exam your full potential, and then keep an optimistic mind until the results come out. Never forget, hard work always pays off.

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