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REET Marking Scheme


Board of Secondary Education Rajasthan conducts an eligibility test to hire the candidates for government teacher posts across the state. The examination is called REET- Rajasthan Eligibility Examination for teachers or RTET- Rajasthan Teacher Eligibility Test.

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The candidates are selected at two levels as teachers. The first one is for teaching Lower Primary students of 1st-5th standard. The second one is for teaching upper primary students, between 6th-8th standard. The selected candidates are posted as teachers in various schools and institutions of Rajasthan.

Read the evaluation methodologies and outcomes. Also, read everything about the hybrid learning.

The examination is intended to test the aptitude and knowledge of the candidate in the selected subjects. Higher REET marks ensure selection for teaching jobs.

Eligibility Criteria for REET

To appear for the Level-1 examination, candidates should have passed 10+2 with a minimum of 50% marks. 2 years of D.EL.ED and four years of B.EL.ED education is also mandatory. Final year students of D.EL.ED are also eligible to appear.

To appear for the Level-2 examination, candidates must have four years of B.EL.ED education. Minimum marks of 50% in 10+2 classes is a must. Candidates with that one-year B. Ed education can also apply.

The candidate’s minimum age to be eligible for writing the exam is 18 years.

The Selection Process of REET

The Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan, selects the eligible candidates for teaching by two types of assessment. Candidates who manage to pass both the steps with flying colors get appointed as Government Teachers.

  1. Written examination
  2. Interview

Written Examination

There are two levels in the examination, Level-1, and Level-2. To qualify for the examination, the candidate has to study a particular syllabus and score a minimum of 60% REET marks. Even Though the cutoff marks are decided by analyzing the number of candidates and difficulty of the exam, the cutoff will be different every year.


The candidates qualifying in the written test are eligible for the interview round. The candidate’s performance in the interview determines the candidate’s probability of making it into the final list. Hence, every candidate is advised to perform their best.

Marking Scheme of REET 

REET marks is a crucial factor to get selected for the job. Candidates should know the marking scheme to understand how they are getting evaluated. This is also important to plan the exam preparation. 

The examination is conducted for a total of 300 marks collectively in the two papers. Each paper carries 150 marks individually. Every paper consists of 150 questions carrying one mark each.

There is no negative marking system in REET exam. One mark is awarded for every correct answer, zero for every wrong attempt or unattempted question.

For qualification, the old system used 70% marks from the examination and the remaining from the interview and Senior Secondary exam. But now, the evaluation method has changed. The qualifying marks will contain 90% of the REET marks and the remaining from the Senior Secondary exam.

Examination Pattern

The REET exam has a pattern decided by the Board of Secondary Education. According to the pattern, the candidates who wish to teach for lower primary students of the 1st-5th standard should appear for the level-1 examination and then interview. 

Section-wise detail of the Level-1 exam

SectionSubjectTotal no of QuestionsTotal marks
Section-1Child development and pedagogy3030
Section-5Environmental studies3030
  • Languages offered in sections two and three are Hindi, Sanskrit, English, Sindhi, Punjabi, Urdu and Gujarati.
  • The total duration of the exam is 2 hours 30 min.

Section-wise detail of Level-2 exam

SectionSubjectTotal no of questionsTotal marks
Section-1Child development and Education3030
Section-4Mathematics and Science OR Sociology6030
  • Sections one and two offer language options Hindi, Sanskrit, Sindhi, English, Punjabi, Urdu and Gujarati.
  • The section 4 subjects are Mathematics and Science for Maths and Science teachers and Social Science is for Social studies teachers.
  • The total duration of the exam is 2 hours 30 min.

The application process for the examination is done online. Admit cards will also be released online. But the examination will be conducted offline. The questions of the REET exam are multiple choice questions.

The REET 2021 exam will be conducted in September, and the admit card is out. The candidates who have successfully submitted the online application can download the admit card from the official website.


REET marks are important to determine if the candidate will get the chance to serve as a government teacher. To get higher REET marks, the candidate should prepare well with utmost dedication. Keep the habit of regular practice and do well in the exam.

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