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REET – Number of Attempts & Age limit

The Rajasthan Eligibility Entrance Test (REET) is conducted every year by the Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan (BSER). This test is conducted for the recruitment of Level 1 (primary teachers) and Level 2 (upper primary teachers). However, before you begin your preparations, you should know some important things about the exam, like the REET age limit, the maximum number of attempts, and other details. 

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About REET Exam

All candidates who clear the REET are eligible for the posts of teachers. Level 1 qualifying candidates can become licensed teachers for classes 1 to 5. Level 2 qualifying candidates can become teachers for classes 6 to 8 in various schools in Rajasthan. 

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This is a State-level examination and is conducted once a year for 150 minutes. Candidates have the option of taking the exam in English or Hindi languages. Almost 33,000 students appear for the exam every year. 

Eligibility Criteria for REET

To judge your eligibility for the exam, the REET age limit, nationality, and education are some factors you need to focus on.

  • Age: Must be a minimum of 18 years to apply
  • Nationality: Must be an Indian citizen
  • Education: The eligibility criteria for NTA REET includes:
    • For Level 1: The candidate must have completed senior secondary or equivalent with at least 50% marks.
    • For Level 2: The candidate must have graduated with at least 50% marks. Or they should appear for a 1-year in B.Ed in Special Education. They must have graduated and passed or appeared in the final year of a 2-year diploma or graduation with at least 45% marks. 
  • Special Requirements: Some special requirements you need to keep in mind are:
    • Candidates must have a working email ID when they apply.
    • They must also have a valid and active phone number through which they can be contacted for the application procedure. 
    • The candidate must secure a minimum of 60% to qualify for this test. The REET qualifying certificate is valid for 3 years.

Getting Selected for REET

To make sure you get selected for NTA REET, here are some things you should know: 

  • The first stage is clearing the written exam. The exam consists of 150 questions for a total of 150 marks, and the time given is 150 minutes. The paper is composed of five major parts. The subjects are:
    • Child development and pedagogy
    • Language 1, which includes English, Urdu, Hindi, Sindhi, Sanskrit, Punjabi, and Gujarati
    • Language 2, which includes English, Urdu, Hindi, Sindhi, Sanskrit, Punjabi, and Gujarati
    • Mathematics 
    • Environmental studies 
  • After this, the next stage is the interview stage. Qualifying candidates from the written examination are eligible to appear for a personal interview. 

Qualifying Percentage for REET

The qualifying percentage of REET is 60% for the general category and 55% for Scheduled Castes, OBC, extremely backward classes, and economically weaker sections. A 50% qualifying category is also extended for widows, abandoned women, and ex-servicemen. The Sahariya tribe has a qualification category of 36%. 

Number of Attempts for REET

There is no maximum number of attempts applicable to the REET examination. A candidate can appear for it as many times as they want, as there is no REET age limit. The eligibility criteria are based on the minimum age requirement, educational qualification, and nationality.

It is essential that all aspirants for the REET examination be well versed with the syllabus and exam pattern. This will allow them to prepare better for the examination and maximize their chances of clearing it. To aid their preparation, they can go through the previous years’ question papers. These papers will help them clarify important concepts and clear the REET exam with excellent marks. 

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