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REET Time Duration

Meta: The key to success in competitive exams is to finish your exam in time. Learn everything about REET time duration and work on your time management skills for the exam.

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REET (Rajasthan Eligibility Examination for Teachers) is a highly esteemed, mandatory state-level test for candidates who aspire to become Grade III teachers in Rajasthan. 

The REET exam is conducted every year by the Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan (BSER), to appoint eligible candidates as teachers in the primary and upper primary level as per the vacancy.

Read the evaluation methodologies and outcomes. Also, read everything about the Teachers’ Eligibility Test.

Candidates who have successfully submitted their REET Exam 2021 applications must be looking for the examination details, including REET time duration for REET 2021. 

REET Time Duration 

The REET 2021 will be held on the 26th of September. Earlier, the examination was to be conducted in June. However, due to the rise in the prevalent COVID-19 pandemic situation, it has been postponed to the month of September.

According to reports,  REET will fill over 32,000 positions this year. Over 14 lakh candidates have enrolled for this exam to apply for Grade 3 teacher vacancies in the state. 

Those who will clear the REET exams will be eligible to be appointed as Primary (Level-I) Teachers for Standards I to V and Upper Primary (Level-II) Teachers for Standards VI to VIII.

The REET time duration will be 150 minutes.

The Level 1 Primary teachers examination will consist of five different subjects:

  • Child Development and Pedagogy
  • Language – I (Hindi, Sindhi, English, Sanskrit, Urdu, Punjabi & Gujarati)
  • Language – II (Hindi, Sindhi, English, Sanskrit, Urdu, Punjabi & Gujarati)
  • Mathematics
  • Environmental Studies

The Level 2 Upper Primary teachers examination will consist of four different subjects, which include:

  • Child Development and Pedagogy
  • Language – I (Hindi, Sindhi, English, Sanskrit, Urdu, Punjabi & Gujarati)
  • Language – II (Hindi, Sindhi, English, Sanskrit, Urdu, Punjabi & Gujarati)
  • Mathematics and Science (For Science and Mathematics Teachers) or Sociology (For Social Science Teachers).

REET Exam Pattern For Level 1- Class I to V

  • There will be a total number of 150 questions carrying 1 mark each. 
  • The total REET time duration of the examination is 2 hours 30 minutes.
  • There is no negative marking in REET. 

REET Exam Pattern For Level 2- Class VI to VIII

  • There will be four different sections in the REET Examinations for Level 2.
  • The total number of questions will be 150 questions for 150 marks (1 mark each)
  • The total duration of the examination is 2 hours and 30 minutes. 
  • There will be no negative marking in the examination. 

Many candidates might be baffled by the REET time duration, which is 150 minutes. Running out of time can be one of the most frustrating things about taking a competitive exam.  While preparing for the REET examination, strategizing time management is an extremely important factor for tackling the time duration. Below are some of the time management tips to consider while preparing for the REET 2021:

Preparing a Timetable:

To successfully complete the REET competitive examination, aspirants can prepare a simple, easy and flexible timetable. With the help of the timetable, candidates can develop a daily routine to get accustomed to the REET time duration for the actual exam.

They can include a time slot for each REET examination topic with a set deadline to complete each topic and move on to the next as per the schedule.

Prioritizing the Subjects:

A common mistake that REET exam aspirants often make is that they start preparing for the examination by choosing a random subject. It ultimately leads to chaos as to what they have learned and what they should learn next. 

Candidates need to prioritize the subjects and set timelines in their schedules. They can accomplish this by devoting more time to subjects in which they are weak and devoting less time to topics in which they are strong. 

It will also help them to manage the REET time duration as candidates can easily attempt the questions or topics they are more confident about without any hesitations.

Taking Practice Tests:

Aspirants must take practice tests before appearing for the actual REET examination. It will help them form a picture in their mind as to what sort of questions might come for the exams and how much time they require to cover all 150 questions. 

You can simply practice the previous year’s papers for a better understanding of the REET time duration.

For more updated and detailed information regarding the REET 2021 Examination, please visit the official site of the BSER (Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan),  

All the best for the REET or RTET 2021 Examination!

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