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Bihar TET Eligibility

The conducting authority, Department of School Education Bihar or DSEP, released the notifications regarding Bihar TET eligibility, exam date, and related information. The Board also releases essential rules, regulations, and norms to complete the application process. Read how to become a teacher.

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The candidates looking for Bihar TET eligibility must know that:

  • They are the citizens of India.
  • They should have Bihar domicile to appear in the exam.

Bihar TET eligibility- age limit

Aspirants from different categories have a different age limit to appear in the Bihar TET exam. For instance, the Board provides special preference and age relaxation to SC, ST, OBC, and females for appearing in the exam.

Check out the given table to know the age limit of different categories and fulfill Bihar TET eligibility criteria.

General category male37 years
General category female40 years
SC/ ST42 years
OBC40 years

Educational qualification for lower and upper primary teachers

Before we move ahead to subject-wise and paper-wise Bihar TET eligibility criteria, let’s take a look at the exam pattern

Paper I SubjectsNumber of Questions
Child Development and Pedagogy (for age group 5-11 years)30 (Including 5 questions for Teaching of Special Needs Children)
Language I30
Language II (English)30
Environmental Science30
Paper II SubjectsNumber of Questions
Child Development and Pedagogy (for age group 11-14 years)30 (Including 5 questions for Teaching of Special Needs Children)
Language I30
Language II (English)30
Mathematics and Science or Social Science60

Educational qualification for lower primary teachers or Paper I subjects

EnglishGraduation in English and B.Ed.
UrduGraduation in Urdu and B.Ed.
SanskritGraduation in Sanskrit and B.Ed.
HindiGraduation in Hindi and B.Ed. with Mathematics and B.EDORGraduation with Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry subjects and B.Ed.
Social StudiesGraduation with History, Polity and Economy, Geography and B.Ed.
ScienceB.Tech with Science subjects and B.Ed.ORGraduation with Botany, Zoology with Chemistry subjects and B.Ed.

Educational qualification for upper primary teachers or Paper-II subjects

EnglishPost graduation in English and B.Ed.
PhysicsPost graduation in Physics and B.Ed.
BotanyPost graduation in Botany and B.Ed.
ZoologyPost graduation in Zoology and B.Ed.
Computer ScienceBE or B.Tech in Computer ScienceORA level from DOEACC and post graduation in any subjectORBE or B.Tech in any subject and post graduate Diploma in computersORBCA/ B.Sc. in Computer Science and Postgraduate degree in any subjectORPost graduation in subject and post graduate Diploma in ComputersORM.Sc. in Computer Science or MCAORB Level from DOEACC and post graduate degree in any subjectORC Level from DOEACC  Ministry of Information and Communication Technology and Graduation or 3 year MCA course
ChemistryPost graduation in Chemistry and B.Ed.

General qualification for Paper I

  • Candidates must secure 45% or equivalent aggregate marks in Class 10.
  • Candidates must qualify Bachelor’s degree (BA/ B.Sc./ B.Com) with aggregate marks of 50% and possess a teachers training degree, viz, D.El.Ed or B.Ed.
  • Aspirants appearing in Diploma education or Bachelor of elementary education or diploma in special elementary education are eligible to appear in Bihar TET exam.

General qualification for Paper II

  • Candidates who have secured at least 45% marks in their Bachelor’s degree or the candidates in the final year or final semester of BA/ B.Sc/ B.Ed. However, they must secure 50% marks to pacify Bihar TET eligibility.
  • Candidates with 50% marks in graduation and one-year D.El.Ed program.
  • Candidates possessing a bachelor’s degree in an elementary course with a minimum of 50% marks also fulfill Bihar TET eligibility. Hence, they can appear for the TET exam.
  • Final year candidates of either 2-year B.Ed course or a 2-year diploma in elementary education or a 2-year diploma in special education.

Some important points:

  • Diploma in Education or B.Ed degree of the candidate is valid only if the course is recognized by RCI or Indian Rehabilitation Council.
  • A diploma or certificate degree recognized through National Council for Teacher Education or NCTE is only valid.
  • Oriental language Special like Sub Shastri or Maulvi and degree equivalent to technical education like Greek Education or Polytechnics is not valid for general teacher posting.

You can check more details regarding Bihar TET eligibility at its official website, If you do not fulfill any of the Bihar TET eligibility criteria, you may fail to fill the application form. Even if you can fill it, it may cause problems during the recruitment and further verification process. Go through it thoroughly before you fill the application form.

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