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CGTET – 5 Mistakes to Avoid while Preparing


Every year Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board holds CGTET for those who want to start their career in teaching. As the exams hold immense value and it’s extremely valuable for potential candidates to remain abreast with the pitfalls to avoid while preparing for the exams. With exams approaching and aspirants amping up their Preparation, it is essential to know rookie mistakes that aspirants make, which can have a negative impact on the results. Read how to become a teacher.

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In order to emerge successfully from the upcoming CGTET 2021 exam, the examinees must have the zest and zeal to crack the exams with flying colors. However, most of the time, we tend to ignore and overlook some mistakes that can hamper the overall outcome. With motivation, you need to give a better understanding of mistakes that most of us internally commit that cost us severely. In this article, we will make you go through the major mistakes that must be avoided. So let us start – 

5 Mistakes to Avoid while Preparing

In order to ace the CGTET 2021 exam in the first go, you must know where you can make mistakes or have already committed that mistake. So, here is the rundown of the top 5 mistakes to avoid while preparing for the examination. 

  • Beginning your Preparation Late – In most cases, it is seen that aspirants tend to start their preparation merely before the month of the exam, and as a result, in a hurry, they tend to end up having zero understanding of the subject matter and no time to track one’s weaknesses and working on those areas predominantly. 

Start with your preparation at least three months before the exam date and devise a systematic study plan after conducting your own SWOT Analysis to figure where you need to put more emphasis and diligence. Even after evaluating your strengths and loopholes, you will have enough time to work on those loopholes and figure out the solution to them. 

  • Ignoring previous year’s papers – Students feel that previous years’ questions never got repeated, and hence, they skip them. It is when they commit the biggest mistake ever. Never ever ignore that previous year’s papers as many times, the majority of the questions get repeated. 

So make a habit of practicing old papers thoroughly; by doing so, you will build confidence and boost your preparation by 3x. Make a habit of solving at least 1 previous year’s Question paper in a day and analyzing the paper pattern clearly. In this way, at the time of final exams, you will be able to solve questions much faster and in a timely manner

  • Devoting more time to Preparation and less time to Revision – One of the most important qualities of a teacher is to establish a perfect balance and harmony in students where they don’t feel overburdened and monotonous. Why don’t you apply the same while preparing? Strike a perfect balance and devote sufficient time to revising the prepared topics on a daily basis so that it remains in your mind for a long time. Don’t just prepare but also revise rigorously.  
  • Not Studying as per Syllabus- Study material and preparation guides are effective ways of cracking the CGTET. But reviewing and conceding the syllabus is equally important. It is vital to understand that you don’t have to study and everything but need to prepare only as per the syllabus. Many students tend to prepare topics that are out of the syllabus and, as a result, aren’t able to pay enough attention to topics that are important. Don’t commit this silly mistake and study only from the syllabus. 
  • Procrastinating – This present generation tends to procrastinate a lot. It is self-understood that the exam may appear complex. However, nothing to worry about. Procrastination can have a negative impact on your preparation journey. Delay in taking action can poorly impact your productivity. In a particular subject that needs to be completed today, do it. Do not delay it for another day as it will get bundled up and, in the end, will create tension and confusion. Work in a timely manner and chalk a smart study plan to exclude unnecessary delay. 


So these are some of the mistakes that students commit and should be avoided at any cost. All you need to do is hard work and efficient preparation strategies to clear the exam. Since now you are already aware of the mistakes that one should avoid, you are one to stay ahead to clear the exam and make your dream come true. 


Meta description: Planning to attend Super TET? Here are all the important details about Super TET and 5 crucial mistakes that you need to avoid while preparing for the test.

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