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Mizoram TET – Best books

You are considering attempting the Mizoram TET examination, but don’t know which books to refer to while preparing? Here, we will talk about Mizoram TET best books along with other general information.

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Mizoram TET is an exam like all other TET exams of India. Its full form is Mizoram Teacher Eligibility Test. It is conducted by the MBSE (Mizoram Board of School Education). This is a state-level exam conducted to select candidates for the posts of teachers. It offers a job as a teacher of primary classes and upper primary classes in Mizoram’s state government schools. 

The frequency of this exam is once a year. The exam is conducted in paper-pen mode at the state level. The Mizoram TET consists of two levels, and the question paper at both levels comprises a total of 150 questions of one mark each.

Highlights of Mizoram TET

Exam name: Mizoram Teacher Eligibility Test

Acronym: Mizoram TET

Conducting body: MBSE (Mizoram Board of School Education)

Mode: Offline (pen-paper mode)

Duration: Three hours

Marking: Each answer carries one mark. 

Negative marking: No

Frequency of the exam: Once a year

Now that we know the basic details of the exam, we can move on to the next section of the article that covers the Mizoram TET best books.

Best Books for Mizoram TET 

To clear Mizoram TET, aspirants must have a thorough understanding of the syllabus, exam pattern and the best books that they can refer to for the exam preparation. It is very important to select the appropriate books to prepare for the Mizoram TET. 

Wondering why it’s so important to have the best books for Mizoram TET? Well, it is because books are the primary and best source to cover the specified Mizoram TET syllabus, as books contain all the information in an organized way. If a candidate looks up multiple sources, their preparation might get affected.

In the Mizoram TET, from the thousands of applicants, only a handful are selected for teaching jobs in government schools. To be among the few selected people and to get your hands on your dream job, one must work hard and also needs to have the right selection of books. 

Therefore, to help Mizoram TET aspirants, we have provided some Mizoram TET best books below. These books have been identified based on the following criteria:

  1. Mizoram TET’s complete syllabus is covered in these books.
  2. These books are suggested by qualified candidates and by renowned faculty.
  3. It will be easy for you to learn all the basic concepts from these books.
  4. At the end of a topic or chapter, you will find practice questions framed based on the questions asked in the Mizoram TET exam.

So, let’s look at the titles of these Mizoram TET best books:

Child Development and Pedagogy Section

In this section of the exam, 30 questions are asked of one mark each. Questions asked here are theoretical, so it is important to have a thorough understanding of concepts with examples. To prepare for this section, you can refer to the following books:

  1. Child Development & Pedagogy for CTET & STET (paper 1 & paper 2) 3rd edition with past questions – Disha Publications.
  2. CTET Bal Vikas & Shiksha Shastra (Child Development & Pedagogy) Concise Guide with MCQs for Level-1&2- Mock Time Publications.

Language – I & II

Language I & II are chosen by the candidates as per their area of interest or their expertise. But usually, Hindi and English are selected. These are the most widely selected languages by candidates. To prepare for these two languages, you can refer to the following books:

  1. NCERT books of class 12 for Hindi and English
  2. CTET Language I, English and its Pedagogy –  Pearson Publications


Some candidates may find this section difficult. But do not worry, as the books we suggest will definitely help you score well in this section of the exam.

In this section, questions are asked on non-verbal and verbal reasoning and quantitative aptitude. To prepare for this section, follow the below-mentioned books:

  1. Logical Reasoning by R.S. Aggarwal – S. Chand
  2. Quantitative Aptitude by R.S. Aggarwal – S. Chand

Environmental Studies

Not paying adequate attention to this section may hamper your chances of qualifying. So, it is important to give equal focus to this section as it carries the same weightage as other sections. To prepare well, you can read the following book:

  1. Environmental Studies – Wiley

Selective Subjects for Paper-II

Candidates should refer to NCERT & Kiran publications for other subjects of Paper-II for the following reasons:

  • The content in these books is well researched.
  • These publications have been in the domain for many years, and they publish books on selective subjects as well.
  • The quantity and quality of content in these books are as per the exam’s requirements.

This was all about the Mizoram TET best books. This selection of the best books for Mizoram TET will definitely help you score well in the exam and qualify. 

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